Recall is an intuitive Android app designed to help users efficiently store their thoughts, notes, images, and links in one place. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Recall provides a seamless solution for organizing and managing information on your Android device. Whether you are a student, professional, or anyone who loves to jot down ideas, Recall is here to assist you.
-Tap the "+" button to create a new note.
Note Title: Provide a concise title for your note.
Note Subtitle: Add a subtitle to give your note context.
Note Text: Write down your thoughts, ideas, or any information you want to store.
Date: Automatically records the date and time the note was created.
Add Image: tap the add image text view to upload an image from your device. Attach relevant images to your note for visual reference.
Add Link: Insert URLs or web links directly into your note. Clickable links make it easy to access additional information related to your note.
- View Note: Tap on any note to view its details, including title, subtitle, text, date, attached images, and links.
- Edit Note: While viewing a note, tap the edit button to modify the note's content, title, subtitle, color, images, or links.
- Delete Note: Remove a note by clicking the delete button while viewing the note.
- Search Bar: Use the search bar to quickly find a specific note. Type keywords, titles.
Recall is built using modern technologies to provide a seamless user experience:
Built with Kotlin
MVVM Architecture
Room Database
Kotlin Coroutines