Huawei cloud artificial intelligence competition · Garbage sorting challenge cup
✧ **(*The number of participants is 2,611)
✧ our ranking:32, score:0.95104
Description: The task of the competition is to classify garbage pictures, that is, first identify the categories of items in garbage pictures (such as cans, peel, etc.), then query the garbage classification rules, output the items in the garbage pictures belong to recyclables, kitchen waste, harmful garbage and other garbage
� In addition to the 542M data set on the official website, we used the crawler technology to crawl 666M images online
� Enhancement of datasets
� My classmates and I tried many Backbone, like ResNet, SENet
� Some training tricks were used. Also, multimodel fusion
pytorch: 1.1.0 py3.6_cuda9.0.176_cudnn7.5.1_0
torchvision: 0.3.0 py36_cu9.0.176_1
under the garbage_classify folder:
- augmentation
garbage_classify_rule.json--------training set label file
official_train_data-------The official training set
- crawled with python crawlers,Because the number of pictures provided by the official website is not enough
- under the src_torch/utils directory:
Change these two paths twice:the path of official_train_data and the path of additional_train_data,
and then both of these paths have to run twice
- under the src_torch directory:
under the src_torch directory:
In this competition,our score:0.95104,ranking:32