ZSH abbreviation expansion plugin
# ~/.config/zabrze/config.yaml
- name: git
abbr: g
snippet: git
- name: awk '{print $1}'
abbr: '.1'
snippet: awk '{print $1}'
$ eval "$(zabrze init --bind-keys)"
$ g<SP>
# ↓ expanded
$ git
$ cat a.txt | .1<CR>
# ↓ expanded and executed
$ cat a.txt | awk '{print $1}'
- name: '>/dev/null 2>&1'
abbr: 'null'
snippets: '>/dev/null 2>&1'
global: true
$ echo a null<SP>
# ↓ expanded
$ echo a >/dev/null 2>&1
- name: git commit
abbr: c
snippet: commit
global: true
context: '^git\s'
- name: git commit -m
abbr: cm
snippet: commit -m '{}'
cursor: "{}" # optional; defaults to "{}"
global: true
context: '^git\s'
- name: branch name
abbr: B
snippet: $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
evaluate: true
global: true
context: '^git\s'
$ git c<SP>
# ↓ expanded
$ git commit
$ git cm<SP>
# ↓ expanded and move into quotes
$ git commit -m '|'
$ git push -d origin B<CR>
# ↓ expanded and executed
$ git push -d origin main
- name: chrome
abbr: chrome
snippet: open -a 'Google Chrome'
if: '[[ "$OSTYPE" =~ darwin ]]' # only available in macOS
- name: trash
abbr: rm
snippet: trash
if: (( ${+commands[trash]} )) # available if trash is installed
- name: rm -r
abbr: rm
snippet: rm -r # fallback
- name: python3 *.py
abbr-pattern: \.py$
snippet: python3 $abbr
evaluate: true
$ ./a.py<CR>
# ↓ expanded and executed
$ python3 ./a.py
You can download a binary release here.
zinit blockf light-mode as"program" from"gh-r" for \
atload'eval "$(zabrze init --bind-keys)"' \
$ cargo install zabrze
$ brew install ryooooooga/tap/zabrze