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  • Node.js v14.x
  • npm v7.x
  • in config/config.js replace values with yours and rename file to config.env


using the docker image

Here you either can build the image locally and use it. or download the latest version built from docker hub

1 - build the image

  • by building and running the image locally
docker build -t userName/ImageName:Tag .

docker build -t ramadan98/psy-back:latest .
  • by downloading the pre-built image from docker hub
docker pull ramadan98/psy-back:latest

2 - run the image in a container in detached mode

docker run -dp localPort:containerPort --name containerName userName/ImageName:Tag

docker run -dp 8000:3000 --name psy ramadan98/psy-back:latest

if you downloaded the image from the remote docker repository you have to provide an env file in the string above as follows

docker run -dp 8000:3000 --name psy --env-file config.env ramadan98/psy-back:latest

3 - if you want to attach the logs of the container run

docker logs -f container

docker logs -f psy

4 - to stop/start the container run

docker stop psy
docker start psy

5 - to remove the container after stopping it

docker rm psy

6 - to remove the image

docker rmi userName/ImageName:Tag

docker rmi ramadan98/psy-back:latest

using the local environment

  • install the project dependencies
npm i
  • run the application in dev mode
npm run dev
  • to run test cases
npm test
  • to run code coverage test
npm run test-with-coverage

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