Cython bindings to SoPlex 3.1.1
- Download the SoPlex 3.1.1 source code and move the tgz file into [soplex_cython root].
- Install gmp.
- mac:
brew install gmp
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
- Windows: Install MPIR (GMP replacement, which compiles with Visual Studio)
- mac:
- Compile and install soplex_cython
cd [soplex_cython root]
- Mac/Linux:
pip install .
- A recent version of Cython. Can be installed with
pip install cython
- Python versions: >= 3.5, 2.7 (>= 3.5 for windows)
undefined symbol: _ZN6soplex6SoPlex13changeRhsRealEiRKe
- Errors similar to this usually occur when SoPlex is not compiled in part 1 with the long double flag correctly set
- Verify that you see "-DWITH_LONG_DOUBLE" in the output when compiling SoPlex in part 1