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A simple npm plugin to add some helper functions for stylus

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This is a package designed to assist with common problems and allow for stylus to be parsed into a json format for validation purposes. It makes it easy to identify attributes and style headers aswell as fix some common issues when dealing with stylization

###Install (for command line)

npm install -g stylus-help 

(for using in code)

npm install stylus-help 

Functions for command line

stylus-help normalizeZvalues <path to stylus dir or file>, [value to normalize on defaults to 10]
stylus-help inspectZValues <path to stylus dir or file>
stylus-help convertStyleToJson <path to stylus dir or file> (note need to > to json write to console)
stylus-help checkAlphabetized <path to stylus dir or file>
stylus-help alphabetizeStyle <path to stylus dir or file>
stylus-help simple_lint <path to stylus dir or file>

Functions as a npm package (same returns)

  stylus_help = require 'stylus-help'
  data = stylus_help.processData 'normalizeZvalues', [directory/file]
  data = stylus_help.processData 'inspectZValues', [directory/file]
  data = stylus_help.processData 'convertStyleToJson', [directory/file]
  data = stylus_help.processData 'checkAlphabetized', [directory/file]
  data = stylus_help.processData 'alphabetizeStyle', [directory/file]
  data = stylus_help.processData 'simple_lint', [directory/file, optional_config_data]


Takes a directory (not recursive) and goes through and normalizes z-index across the files... It automatically uses a buffer of 10 between z-index values. You can manually specify a buffer if you want to only have a space of 3,4 between values

sample call

stylus-help normalizeZvalues testing/

Before Execution

  z-index 99
  z-index 12
    z-index 2
  z-index 1
  z-index 25

After Execution

    z-index 41
    z-index 21
      z-index 11
    z-index 1
    z-index 31


Returns a json structure showing the ordering of z indexes

sample call

stylus-help inspectZValues testing/

Return sample.. This shows the z-index in order and the files they are used in

 "1": [
 "11": [
 "21": [
 "31": [
 "41": [


Returns a json structure with a true or false and a line number showing where the non alphabetized attribute starts

sample call

stylus-help checkAlphabetized testing/test.styl

Sample File

     z-index 41
     display block
     position relative
     left 50px
     right 100px
     position absolute
   z-index 21
   margin-left 2px
     z-index 11

Return sample for a non alphabetized file

 "alphabetized": false,
 "infractions": [
       "line_number": 3,
       "file_name": "testing/test.styl"
       "line_number": 8,
       "file_name": "testing/test.styl"
       "line_number": 11,
       "file_name": "testing/test.styl"


Returns a json structure with a true or false and a line number showing where the non alphabetized attribute starts

sample call

stylus-help alphabetizeStyle testing/test.styl

Sample File

     z-index 41
     display block
     position relative
     left 50px
     right 100px
     position absolute
   z-index 21
   margin-left 2px
     z-index 11

Modifications after execution

    display block
    left 50px
    position relative
    z-index 41
    position absolute
    right 100px
  margin-left 2px
  z-index 21
    z-index 11


Returns a json structure with a true or false and a line number showing where the non alphabetized attribute starts

sample call

stylus-help alphabetizeStyle testing/test.styl

Sample File

   box-sizing border-box
   border-bottom 4px solid rgba($color, 0)
   cursor pointer
   padding 0px 5px
     background rgba($frame_background_color, .4)
     border-bottom 4px solid $color

 border-top 1px solid $background_color
 bottom 0
 box-shadow 0px 0px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)
 color $footer_text_color
 height unit($footer_height, 'px')
 font-family $title_font
 left 0
 position fixed
 right 0
 text-align center
 transition all .2s ease-in
 z-index 16
 .newsletter.custom_text > a
   i, span
     color $footer_text_color
     div, a , iframe
       margin-left 10px

Json Conversion Note the space_check is exactly how many spaces to write if you want to modify and line is where the attributes start. line-1 is the style header

 "../testing/test.styl": {
    "3": {
       "indent": 4,
       "rules": [
          "box-sizing border-box",
          "border-bottom 4px solid rgba($color, 0)",
          "cursor pointer",
          "padding 0px 5px"
       "tag": "&:not(.signup):not(.background)"
    "9": {
       "indent": 6,
       "rules": [
          "background rgba($frame_background_color, .4)",
          "border-bottom 4px solid $color"
       "tag": "&:not(.signup):not(.background) &:hover"
    "12": {
       "indent": 2,
       "rules": [
          "border-top 1px solid $background_color",
          "bottom 0",
          "box-shadow 0px 0px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)",
          "color $footer_text_color",
          "height unit($footer_height, 'px')",
          "font-family $title_font",
          "left 0",
          "position fixed",
          "right 0",
          "text-align center",
          "transition all .2s ease-in",
          "z-index 16"
       "tag": ".exports.region"
    "26": {
       "indent": 6,
       "rules": [
          "color $footer_text_color"
       "tag": ".exports.region .newsletter.custom_text > a i, .exports.region .newsletter.custom_text > a span"

simple lint

This utilized the existing functions in this package to do a basic lint on the stylus file.

A sample call using the plugin

 stylus-help simple_lint <path to stylus dir or file>

this by default will run every check, however if you use this plugin yourself you can specify a config file with what to check for

  "bad_space_check": "Bad spacing! should me a multiple of 2 spaces",
  "comment_space": "// must have a space after",
  "star_selector": "* is HORRIBLE performance please use a different selector",
  "zero_px": "Don't need px on 0 values",
  "no_colon_semicolon": "No ; or : in stylus file!",
  "comma_space": ", must have a space after",
  "alphabetize_check": "This area needs to be alphabetized",
  "dupe_tag_check": "Duplicate tags found.. please consolidate"

call sample looks like this

data =  {
  bad_space_check: 'Bad spacing! should me a multiple of 2 spaces' #
  comment_space: '// must have a space after' #
  star_selector: '* is HORRIBLE performance please use a different selector'
  zero_px: 'Don\'t need px on 0 values' #
  no_colon_semicolon: 'No ; or : in stylus file!' #
  comma_space: ', must have a space after' #
  alphabetize_check: 'This area needs to be alphabetized'
  dupe_tag_check: 'Duplicate tags found.. please consolidate'
  style_attribute_check: 'Invalid Attribute!'
stylus_help.processData 'simple_lint', [directory/file, data], (data) ->

The above call executed on the below file

    box-sizing border-box
    border-bottom 4px solid rgba($color, 0)
    cursor pointer
    overflow panda
    padding 0px 5px
      background rgba($frame_background_color, .4)
      border-bottom 4px solid $color

  border-top 1px solid $background_color
  bottom 0
  box-shadow 0px 0px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)
  color $footer_text_color
  height unit($footer_height, 'px')
  font-family $title_font
  left 0
  position fixed
  right 0
  text-align center
  transition all .2s ease-in
  z-index 16
  .newsletter.custom_text > a
    i, span
      color $footer_text_color
      div, a , iframe
        margin-left 10px

gives this output..

    "message": "Don't need px on 0 values",
    "line": "    padding 0px 5px",
    "line_num": 7
    "message": "Don't need px on 0 values",
    "line": "  box-shadow 0px 0px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)",
    "line_num": 15
    "message": "Invalid Attribute!",
    "line": "overflow panda",
    "line_num": 6
    "message": "This area needs to be alphabetized",
    "line": "border-bottom 4px solid rgba($color, 0)",
    "line_num": "3"
    "message": "This area needs to be alphabetized",
    "line": "border-top 1px solid $background_color",
    "line_num": "13"

####style_attribute_check makes use of a JSON file to validate common key/value mixups


A simple npm plugin to add some helper functions for stylus






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  • CoffeeScript 96.6%
  • CSS 3.4%