This is a Rate Limit generator for Google Protocol Buffers compiler protoc
. The plugin generates a Lua filter to bucket requests based on their paths, and a descriptor file for envoyproxy/ratelimit.
go get -u
The plugin is invoked by passing the --ratelimit_out, and --ratelimit_opt options to the protoc compiler. The option has the following format:
Annotations for rate limits can be applied at the service or method level. Here is an example of what that looks like:
service TasksService {
option (s12.protobuf.ratelimit.api_limit) = {
limits: {
key: "public_api",
value: {
unit: "minute"
requests_per_unit: 100
limits: {
key: "private_api",
value: {
unit: "minute"
requests_per_unit: 400
// CreateTask is used to create a new task.
rpc CreateTask(CreateTaskRequest) returns (CreateTaskResponse) {
option (s12.protobuf.ratelimit.limit) = {
limits: {
key: "public_api",
value: {
unit: "minute"
requests_per_unit: 10
limits: {
key: "private_api",
value: {
unit: "minute"
requests_per_unit: 20
// GetTask returns a task by id.
rpc GetTask(GetTaskRequest) returns (GetTaskResponse) {}
rpc AddComment(AddCommentRequest) returns (AddCommentResponse) {
option (s12.protobuf.ratelimit.limit) = {
bucket: "TaskComments" // Custom bucket, so AddComment and UpdateComment can share a ratelimit
rpc UpdateComment(AddCommentRequest) returns (AddCommentResponse) {
option (s12.protobuf.ratelimit.limit) = {
bucket: "TaskComments" // Custom bucket, so AddComment and UpdateComment can share a ratelimit
Additional or default limits can be configured within the configuration file given to protoc-gen-ratelimit.
The format for key
in both the configuration and proto file is a pipe separated string of values for the ratelimit descriptors. These map to the descriptors
list supplied to the config base on their order. For example given a configuration of
- api_class
- user_id
- bucket # Must be the final descriptor
# Rate limit applied to the `TasksComments` bucket
- key: "public_api||TasksComments"
unit: minute
requests_per_unit: 20
maps to api_class=public_api,user_id:"",bucket:"TaskComments"
- api_class
- user_id
- bucket # Must be the final descriptor
# All APIs have a limit of 800 RPM
- key: ""
unit: minute
requests_per_unit: 800
# Private APIs have no limits by default
- key: "private_api"
unlimited: true
# This customer is running a migration, temporarily increase their limit
- key: "|user_abc122"
unlimited: true
# Rate limit applied to the `TasksComments` bucket
- key: "public_api||TasksComments"
unit: minute
requests_per_unit: 20
A complete example can be found in protos/
This repo uses buf to build Protocol Buffers.
To generate the image for fixtures run buf build -o fixtures/image.bin
To generate the annotations Go package run buf generate