This repository hosts data models sourced from various projects within Sage. All data models included here must be publicly accessible.
These data models are generated using the CoreModels software ( This platform enables users to interact with data models visually, facilitating their creation and management. Once created, the data models are exported as .jsonld files, such as DUO-terms.jsonld, and pushed to this GitHub repository.
Future development efforts will focus on expanding the generation of core models across Sage in a jsonld format. This will enhance the interoperability and accessibility of data models within the organization.
These instructions provide a step-by-step guide to setting up and using the Schematic tool for managing data and schemas.
Create and activate a new conda environment: (not sure if this step is needed)
conda create -n 'schematicpy' python=3.10 conda init bash conda activate schematicpy
Install schematicpy:
pip install schematicpy
Download the configuration file:
- make changes to the configuration file - this only has to be done once
- Short term fix for version issue:
pip3 install ipython==8.18.1
echo $SCHEMATIC_SERVICE_ACCT_CREDS | base64 -d > creds.json
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'test' -s
schematic schema convert DUO-terms.jsonld
Change location inside config.yml to the jsonld you want to create the template from.
# Location of your schema jsonld, it must be a path relative to this file or absolute
location: "DUO-terms.jsonld"
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'test' -s -dt DUOTemplate
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'test' -s -dt ProjectAllocationTable
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ProjectAllocationTable' -s -dt ProjectAllocationTable
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'SizeTable' -s -dt SizeTable
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengePlatform' -s -dt ChallengePlatform -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengePlatform.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengeSubmissionType' -s -dt ChallengeSubmissionType -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengeSubmissionType.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengeIncentive' -s -dt ChallengeIncentive -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengeIncentive.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengeCategory' -s -dt ChallengeCategory -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengeCategory.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengeContribution' -s -dt ChallengeContribution -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengeContribution.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'Challenge' -s -dt Challenge -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/Challenge.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'ChallengeInputDataType' -s -dt ChallengeInputDataType -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/ChallengeInputDataType.csv'
schematic manifest -c config.yml get -t 'EdamConcept' -s -dt EdamConcept -o '/workspaces/core-models/challenges-manifests/EdamConcept.csv'
- Make sure the directory is correct. If running in CodeSpace, make sure the directory is relative to your github environment (for example /workspaces/core-models/)
Each time you run codespace:
echo $SYNAPSE_AUTH | base64 -d > synapsecreds.json
To get informationa about an organization:
$ curl -X GET ""
To list all organizations
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{}'
To delete an organization
curl -X DELETE "{id}"
To delete a schema
curl -X DELETE "{id}" \