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Problem Statement

Dataset File: Topical chat .csv

This dataset consists of over 8000 conversations and over 184000 messages within each message, there is a conversation id, which is basically which conversation the message takes place in. Each message is either the start of a conversation or a reply from the previous message. There is also a sentiment, which represents the emotion that the person who sent the message is feeling. There are 8 sentiments: Angry,Curious to Dive Deeper, Disguised, Fearful, Happy, Sad, and Surprised. Sentiment Analysis: Build a multi-class sentiment analysis model based on this dataset. Please report metrics for the model.



The dataset(Topical chat .csv) exhibits class imbalance with eight categories: Angry, Curious to Dive Deeper, Disguised, Fearful, Happy, Sad, and Surprised.

Percentage Distribution of Sentiments

From the above figure, it becomes apparent that the classes Sad, Disguised, Fearful, and Angry have a notably low occurrence.The column ”message” has five records that are missing.


The subsequent actions are taken in this step:

  • Eliminating the missing records, given that there are only five instances of such records.
  • Converting the text to lowercase
  • Removing special characters and digits
  • Removing stop words and applying lemmatization


Initially, we adhere to the traditional Machine learning algorithmic approach, and subsequently, we employ deep learning techniques.

Machine Learning Approach

In this approach , we used two algorithms:

  • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Randomforest Classifier

Naive Bayes Classifier

As Naive Bayes handles both categorical target variable as well as Numerical target variable.I have followed both techniques:In first technique, I have not converted target variable into numerical variable.In the second technique, I have used label encoding to convert target variable into numerical variable.

Result & Metrics:

The performance of the algorithm did not improve in both techniques. Percentage Distribution of Sentiments

Percentage Distribution of Sentiments

Metrics Explanation :

Term Explanation

Precision: The proportion of correctly identified instances among those labeled as positive. It measures how often the model is correct when it predicts a positive result.

Recall: The proportion of actual positive instances that were correctly identified. It measures how often the model correctly identifies all positive cases.

F1-score: The harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balanced measure of accuracy that considers both. Higher F1-scores indicate better overall performance.

Support: The number of instances for each class in the dataset. It shows how much data was available for training and evaluation.

Class-Specific Metrics Explanation:

Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad: The model has 0.00 for precision, recall, and F1-score for these classes, indicating it’s not accurately identifying them.

Curious to dive deeper: The model has a precision of 0.45, recall of 0.93, and F1-score of 0.61,suggesting it’s relatively good at identifying this class, but with some false positives.

Happy, Neutral, Surprised: The model has moderate precision (0.42-0.47) but low recall (0.07-0.09) for these classes, indicating it’s missing many true instances while correctly identifying some.

Overall Performance:

Accuracy: 0.45, indicating the model correctly classifies about 45% of instances overall.

Macro avg: 0.44 for precision and recall, reflecting the average performance across classes without considering their distribution.

Weighted avg: 0.35, considering the class distribution and giving more weight to classes with more instances.


• The model struggles to identify certain classes (Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad) accurately.

• It performs best for the ”Curious to dive deeper” class, but with some false positives.

• Overall accuracy is moderate, suggesting potential for improvement.

Randomforest Classifier

Since our first algorithm encounters challenges with imbalanced data, I applied the class weight balancing technique to address the class imbalance problem.

Percentage Distribution of Sentiments

Comparison in terms of Metrics:
Class-Specific Metrics Comparison:
  • Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad: Still 0.00 in both cases, indicating a persistent issue in identifying these classes.
  • Curious to dive deeper:
    • Precision: 0.48 (Randomforest) vs. 0.45 (Naive Bayes)
    • Recall: 0.90 (Randomforest) vs. 0.93 (Naive Bayes)
    • F1-score: 0.63 (Randomforest) vs. 0.61 (Naive Bayes)
    • Slight improvements in precision and F1-score, but a slight decrease in recall in the Random-forest.
  • Happy, Neutral, Surprised:
    • Generally higher precision and F1-scores in the image, suggesting better identification of positive instances.
    • Recall scores remain relatively low for these classes in both cases.

Observations :

  • The Randomforest classifer show some overall improvement in accuracy and average performance.
  • The model still struggles with certain classes (Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad), highlighting a consistent issue.
  • There are mixed results for the ”Curious to dive deeper” class, with trade-offs between precision and recall.
  • The improvements in precision for Happy, Neutral, and Surprised classes suggest better identification of positive instances, but recall remains a challenge.

Deep Learning Approach

As our model continues to face challenges with imbalanced classes, I experimented with a transformer based model called BERT-base-uncased to assess its performance.


I employed the PyTorch framework to create a custom class, utilizing the DataLoader from PyTorch.Additionally, a pre-trained model from Hugging Face was invoked.Given that this is a multi-classification problem, it is necessary to specify the number of labels in the model.The CrossEntropyLoss function is employed as the loss function, given that the task involves multi-class classification.

Metrics Explanation:

Percentage Distribution of Sentiments

Metrics Explanation:

Metrics Comparison

Overall Accuracy:

  • BERT(Deep Learning) : 0.58
  • Traditional Machine Learning : 0.48
  • BERT has a higher overall accuracy, suggesting it’s correctly classifying more instances overall.

Class-Specific Metrics:

  • Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad: Both have 0.00 for all scores, indicating a persistent issue in identifying these classes with both approaches.
  • Curious to dive deeper:
    • Precision: 0.68 (BERT) vs. 0.48 (ML)
    • Recall: 0.73 (BERT) vs. 0.98 (ML)
    • F1-score: 0.70 (BERT) vs. 0.63 (ML)
    • BERT has higher precision and F1-score, suggesting better positive identification, but lower recall, potentially missing some true instances.
  • Happy, Neutral, Surprised:
    • Generally higher precision and F1-scores for BERT, suggesting better identification of positive instances.
    • Recall scores are mixed, with some higher and some lower for BERT.

Obervation :

  • BERT shows promise with higher over all accuracy, precision and F1-scores for several classes,indicating better identification of positive instances.
  • Both models struggle with certain classes (Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad), highlighting a consistent challenge.
  • The trade-offs between precision and recall for the ”Curious to dive deeper” class warrant further investigation.

Improvement Suggestions:

  • The choice between BERT and ML approaches depends on the specific use case and priorities for precision, recall, and overall accuracy.
  • Further exploration of hyperparameter tuning and data quality for both models could potentially improve performance.
  • Understanding the reasons for the persistent issues with specific classes could guide model refinement and feature engineering efforts.
  • Increasing the number of epochs could potentially enhance the model performance in BERT.


  • Task1 MLipynb: Please refer this notebook for Machine Learning Approach.
  • Task1 DLipynb: Please refer this notebook for Deep Learning Approach.

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Build a multi-class sentiment analysis model based on this dataset







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