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Welcome to the Git MiniCourse Notes

General Index

  1. About Version Control
  2. An then Git
  3. Getting Started
  4. Git basics
  • Snapshots not differences
  • Working tih the repository
  • First Setup
  • Status of the repository
  • Showing the log
  • Undoing things
  • Ignoring Files
    • The .gitignore file
  • Working with remotes
  • Tagging
  1. Git Branching
  • Creating new branches
  • Changing branches
  • Branching and Merging
    • Fast-forward
    • Three-way Merge
    • Other Strategies
  • Rebase
    • More Interesting Rebase
    • The perils of rebasing
  • Squash
    • How to squash your commits
  • Cherry-pick
  1. Git Workflows
  • Why the workflows matters
  • Git Flow
  • GitHub Flow
  • GitLab Flow
  • Master-only Flow
  • Git Release Flow
  • Trunk-based development
  1. Git Internals
  • Plumbing and porcelain
    • Git Init
  • Git Objects
    • Blob Object
    • Three Object
    • Commit Object
    • Git References
    • Git HEAD
    • Tags
    • Remotes
  1. Git Tools
  • Singing your work
    • GPG Introduction
    • Singing tags
    • Verifying tags
    • Singing commits
  • Submodules
    • Starting with submodules
    • Cloning with submodules
  • LFS
    • What is?
    • How it works?
    • How to


[1] Scott Chacon y Ben Straub, Pro Git, 2nd ed. Apress.

[2] Git Notes For Professionals. goalkicker [Online]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 05-may-2021]

[3] Scott Chacon, Git Internals Source code control and beyond. 2008.

[4] E. Pidoux, Git Best Prectices Guide. Packt, 2014.

[5] J. Ahmad y C. Belanger, Mastering Git, 1st ed. 2019.


Notes for learning to use the Git version control system.








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