This project is based on Alexnet.
Tensorflow is used to build alexnet network and used Pillow and numpy to load and convert dataset.
This project used pipenv so you can check pipfile in repository.
you can just install all requirements with pipenv install.
- numpy: 1.14.5
- pandas: 0.23.1
- pillow: 5.1.0
- tensorflow: 1.8.0
For training alexnet flower dataset used. There are 4242 images about 5 classes of flowers.
It's divided in directory of flower names so easy to handle it.
You can train model with Before execute train you have to prepare dataset. So download it into resources then unzip it. training_dataset.csv and valid_dataset, etc are splitted dataset with ratio. train model with above csv file.
- you can change dropout rate and when model is creating.
- tensorboard log will be saved in logdir
- weights will be saved in weights
It doesn't have command yet. so modify image_path in then execute it.
- first output: [[ -9.98178387 -14.03773689 8.21770668 -0.54801857 -3.23122072]]
- index of class: 2
- The class of image is rose