In this task you will be working on a todo application made using basic HTML, CSS and JS. The main motive of this task is to make you familiar with:
- Rest APIs
- Manipulating DOM using JavaScript
Follow the following steps to setup this project.
Note - Make sure you have node and npm installed in your system. If not, follow the steps given here to install it.
First of all, click on the top-right corner of this repository to fork it.
Then, clone your forked repository using this command:
git clone
Change your current directory to the repo's root.
cd csoc-2021-task-2-web
Install the dependencies using
npm i
Then you can finally run the server using this command.
npm run dev
Then you can go to localhost:3000
in your browser.
You can use netlify or vercel for deploying your app. The build command is
npm run build
This will create a dist
folder which can be served now
There are three pages in this site.
- This is the main page where the user can create, edit or delete the tasks./login/
- This is the login page./register/
- This is the register page.
We have also created a backend server containing the API endpoints required for this application to function completely -
The complete description of the API is mentioned at the end of this readme.
You would notice that the application is not functional completely. So, your task is to make it completely functional. You would be working in main.js
, init.js
, auth_required.js
and no_auth_required.js
mainly. There are several todos mentioned in these files. You have to complete those.
In particular you have to
Complete the auth_required.js and no_auth_required.js - You may notice that initially you are landed on the main page even when you are not logged in. That is wrong. In this files you have to write code to redirect user to pages based on whether he/she is authenticated or not.
Login Function - Currently only register function works. You have to complete the login function too.
Get Tasks function - There is a function
. You would notice that even after logging in, you see two tasks Sample Task 1 and Sample Task 2. These tasks were not created by you. These are dummy tasks. You have complete thegetTasks
function such that the tasks listed are the ones created by the user. (You might have to complete theaddTask
function first) -
Add, Update, Delete Task function - These functions are present in the
file. You have to complete them.
Here is the breakdown of the points related to each task.
Task | Points |
Login Function | 15 |
auth_required.js and no_auth_required.js |
15 |
Add task | 25 |
Get tasks | 25 |
Edit Task | 35 |
Delete Task | 35 |
Total | 150 |
Judging would be done on the basis of your implementation and authenticity.
You'll have a week to complete this task. Hence, the deadline of this task is 21st June, 2021 i.e. till the end of this month.
- Follow the instructions to setup this project.
- Complete the task by making the required changes in the files.
- This time, you do not need to put your files in a separate folder.
- When done, commit your work locally and push it to your origin (forked repository).
- Make a pull request to our repository, stating the tasks which you have completed.
- Let us review your pull request.
All the requests made to the API (except the Login and Register endpoints) need an Authorization header with a valid token and the prefix Token
Authorization: Token <token>
In order to obtain a valid token it's necessary to send a request POST /auth/login/
with username and password. To register a new user it's necessary to make a request POST /auth/register/
with name, email, username and password.
POST /auth/login/
Takes the username and password as input, validates them and returns the Token, if the credentials are valid.
Request Body (Sample):
{ "username": "string", "password": "string" }
Response Body (Sample):
{ "token": "string" }
Response Code:
POST /auth/register/
Register a user in Django by taking the name, email, username and password as input.
Request Body (Sample):
{ "name": "string", "email": "[email protected]", "username": "string", "password": "string" }
Response Body (Sample):
{ "token": "string" }
Response Code:
POST /auth/profile/
Retrieve the id, name, email and username of the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body (Sample):
{ "id": 1, "name": "string", "email": "[email protected]", "username": "string" }
Response Code:
GET /todo/
Get all the Todos of the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body (Sample):
[ { "id": 1, "title": "string" }, { "id": 2, "title": "string" } ]
Response Code:
POST /todo/create/
Create a Todo entry for the logged in user. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body (Sample):
{ "title": "string" }
Response Code:
GET /todo/{id}/
Get the Todo of the logged in user with given id. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Body (Sample):
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
Response Code:
PUT /todo/{id}/
Change the title of the Todo with given id, and get the new title as response. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body (Sample):
{ "title": "string" }
Response Body (Sample):
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
PATCH /todo/{id}/
Change the title of the Todo with given id, and get the new title as response. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Request Body (Sample):
{ "title": "string" }
Response Body (Sample):
{ "id": 1, "title": "string" }
DELETE /todo/{id}/
Delete the Todo with given id. Requires token in the Authorization header.
Response Code:
All the requests must be prefixed with the base URL of the API.
Example: for login the POST
request must be sent to
with the required details. Make sure to append a slash at the end, otherwise you may encounter an error while making the POST
Swagger generated docs: ReDoc generated docs:
The API can be tested by going to the deployed URL:, clicking the "Try it out" button after selecting the endpoint and finally executing it along with the Response Body (if required).
For testing the endpoints which require Token in the Authorization header, you can click on the "Authorize" button, write the Authorization token as Token <token>
(which you have obtained from the auth/login/
endpoint) and finally click on "Authorize". Thereafter, all the requests made to any endpoint will have the Token in the Authorization Header.