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Merge pull request #2911 from BenChung/improve-events
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Support more of the SciMLBase events API
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ChrisRackauckas authored Aug 2, 2024
2 parents 3cef655 + 7053b34 commit 55e8ad6
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Showing 2 changed files with 433 additions and 41 deletions.
215 changes: 174 additions & 41 deletions src/systems/callbacks.jl
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#################################### continuous events #####################################

const NULL_AFFECT = Equation[]
SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs::Vector{Equation}, affect, affect_neg, rootfind)
A [`ContinuousCallback`](@ref SciMLBase.ContinuousCallback) specified symbolically. Takes a vector of equations `eq`
as well as the positive-edge `affect` and negative-edge `affect_neg` that apply when *any* of `eq` are satisfied.
By default `affect_neg = affect`; to only get rising edges specify `affect_neg = nothing`.
Assume without loss of generality that the equation is of the form `c(u,p,t) ~ 0`; we denote the integrator state as `i.u`.
For compactness, we define `prev_sign = sign(c(u[t-1], p[t-1], t-1))` and `cur_sign = sign(c(u[t], p[t], t))`.
A condition edge will be detected and the callback will be invoked iff `prev_sign * cur_sign <= 0`.
Inter-sample condition activation is not guaranteed; for example if we use the dirac delta function as `c` to insert a
sharp discontinuity between integrator steps (which in this example would not normally be identified by adaptivity) then the condition is not
guaranteed to be triggered.
Once detected the integrator will "wind back" through a root-finding process to identify the point when the condition became active; the method used
is specified by `rootfind` from [`SciMLBase.RootfindOpt`](@ref). Multiple callbacks in the same system with different `rootfind` operations will be resolved
into separate VectorContinuousCallbacks in the enumeration order of `SciMLBase.RootfindOpt`, which may cause some callbacks to not fire if several become
active at the same instant. See the `SciMLBase` documentation for more information on the semantic rules.
The positive edge `affect` will be triggered iff an edge is detected and if `prev_sign < 0`; similarly, `affect_neg` will be
triggered iff an edge is detected `prev_sign > 0`.
Affects (i.e. `affect` and `affect_neg`) can be specified as either:
* A list of equations that should be applied when the callback is triggered (e.g. `x ~ 3, y ~ 7`) which must be of the form `unknown ~ observed value` where each `unknown` appears only once. Equations will be applied in the order that they appear in the vector; parameters and state updates will become immediately visible to following equations.
* A tuple `(f!, unknowns, read_parameters, modified_parameters, ctx)`, where:
+ `f!` is a function with signature `(integ, u, p, ctx)` that is called with the integrator, a state *index* vector `u` derived from `unknowns`, a parameter *index* vector `p` derived from `read_parameters`, and the `ctx` that was given at construction time. Note that `ctx` is aliased between instances.
+ `unknowns` is a vector of symbolic unknown variables and optionally their aliases (e.g. if the model was defined with `@variables x(t)` then a valid value for `unknowns` would be `[x]`). A variable can be aliased with a pair `x => :y`. The indices of these `unknowns` will be passed to `f!` in `u` in a named tuple; in the earlier example, if we pass `[x]` as `unknowns` then `f!` can access `x` as `integ.u[u.x]`. If no alias is specified the name of the index will be the symbol version of the variable name.
+ `read_parameters` is a vector of the parameters that are *used* by `f!`. Their indices are passed to `f` in `p` similarly to the indices of `unknowns` passed in `u`.
+ `modified_parameters` is a vector of the parameters that are *modified* by `f!`. Note that a parameter will not appear in `p` if it only appears in `modified_parameters`; it must appear in both `parameters` and `modified_parameters` if it is used in the affect definition.
+ `ctx` is a user-defined context object passed to `f!` when invoked. This value is aliased for each problem.
struct SymbolicContinuousCallback
affect::Union{Vector{Equation}, FunctionalAffect}
function SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs::Vector{Equation}, affect = NULL_AFFECT)
new(eqs, make_affect(affect))
affect_neg::Union{Vector{Equation}, FunctionalAffect, Nothing}
function SymbolicContinuousCallback(; eqs::Vector{Equation}, affect = NULL_AFFECT,
affect_neg = affect, rootfind = SciMLBase.LeftRootFind)
new(eqs, make_affect(affect), make_affect(affect_neg), rootfind)
end # Default affect to nothing
make_affect(affect) = affect
make_affect(affect::Tuple) = FunctionalAffect(affect...)
make_affect(affect::NamedTuple) = FunctionalAffect(; affect...)

function Base.:(==)(e1::SymbolicContinuousCallback, e2::SymbolicContinuousCallback)
isequal(e1.eqs, e2.eqs) && isequal(e1.affect, e2.affect)
isequal(e1.eqs, e2.eqs) && isequal(e1.affect, e2.affect) &&
isequal(e1.affect_neg, e2.affect_neg) && isequal(e1.rootfind, e2.rootfind)
Base.isempty(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback) = isempty(cb.eqs)
function Base.hash(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback, s::UInt)
s = foldr(hash, cb.eqs, init = s)
cb.affect isa AbstractVector ? foldr(hash, cb.affect, init = s) : hash(cb.affect, s)
s = cb.affect isa AbstractVector ? foldr(hash, cb.affect, init = s) : hash(cb.affect, s)
s = cb.affect_neg isa AbstractVector ? foldr(hash, cb.affect_neg, init = s) :
hash(cb.affect_neg, s)
hash(cb.rootfind, s)

to_equation_vector(eq::Equation) = [eq]
Expand All @@ -108,6 +146,14 @@ function SymbolicContinuousCallback(args...)
end # wrap eq in vector
SymbolicContinuousCallback(p::Pair) = SymbolicContinuousCallback(p[1], p[2])
SymbolicContinuousCallback(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback) = cb # passthrough
function SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs::Equation, affect = NULL_AFFECT;
affect_neg = affect, rootfind = SciMLBase.LeftRootFind)
SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs=[eqs], affect=affect, affect_neg=affect_neg, rootfind=rootfind)
function SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs::Vector{Equation}, affect = NULL_AFFECT;
affect_neg = affect, rootfind = SciMLBase.LeftRootFind)
SymbolicContinuousCallback(eqs=eqs, affect=affect, affect_neg=affect_neg, rootfind=rootfind)

SymbolicContinuousCallbacks(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback) = [cb]
SymbolicContinuousCallbacks(cbs::Vector{<:SymbolicContinuousCallback}) = cbs
Expand All @@ -130,12 +176,20 @@ function affects(cbs::Vector{SymbolicContinuousCallback})
mapreduce(affects, vcat, cbs, init = Equation[])

affect_negs(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback) = cb.affect_neg
function affect_negs(cbs::Vector{SymbolicContinuousCallback})
mapreduce(affect_negs, vcat, cbs, init = Equation[])

namespace_affects(af::Vector, s) = Equation[namespace_affect(a, s) for a in af]
namespace_affects(af::FunctionalAffect, s) = namespace_affect(af, s)
namespace_affects(::Nothing, s) = nothing

function namespace_callback(cb::SymbolicContinuousCallback, s)::SymbolicContinuousCallback
SymbolicContinuousCallback(namespace_equation.(equations(cb), (s,)),
namespace_affects(affects(cb), s))
namespace_equation.(equations(cb), (s,)),
namespace_affects(affects(cb), s),
namespace_affects(affect_negs(cb), s))

Expand All @@ -159,7 +213,7 @@ function continuous_events(sys::AbstractSystem)
filter(!isempty, cbs)

#################################### continuous events #####################################
#################################### discrete events #####################################

struct SymbolicDiscreteCallback
# condition can be one of:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,12 +516,38 @@ function generate_rootfinding_callback(sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknowns(sy
isempty(cbs) && return nothing
generate_rootfinding_callback(cbs, sys, dvs, ps; kwargs...)

function generate_rootfinding_callback(cbs, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknowns(sys),
Generate a single rootfinding callback; this happens if there is only one equation in `cbs` passed to
generate_rootfinding_callback and thus we can produce a ContinuousCallback instead of a VectorContinuousCallback.
function generate_single_rootfinding_callback(
eq, cb, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknowns(sys),
ps = full_parameters(sys); kwargs...)
if !isequal(eq.lhs, 0)
eq = 0 ~ eq.lhs - eq.rhs

rf_oop, rf_ip = generate_custom_function(
sys, [eq.rhs], dvs, ps; expression = Val{false}, kwargs...)
affect_function = compile_affect_fn(cb, sys, dvs, ps, kwargs)
cond = function (u, t, integ)
if DiffEqBase.isinplace(integ.sol.prob)
tmp, = DiffEqBase.get_tmp_cache(integ)
rf_ip(tmp, u, parameter_values(integ), t)
rf_oop(u, parameter_values(integ), t)
return ContinuousCallback(
cond, affect_function.affect, affect_function.affect_neg, rootfind = cb.rootfind)

function generate_vector_rootfinding_callback(
cbs, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknowns(sys),
ps = full_parameters(sys); rootfind = SciMLBase.RightRootFind, kwargs...)
eqs = map(cb -> flatten_equations(cb.eqs), cbs)
num_eqs = length.(eqs)
(isempty(eqs) || sum(num_eqs) == 0) && return nothing
# fuse equations to create VectorContinuousCallback
eqs = reduce(vcat, eqs)
# rewrite all equations as 0 ~ interesting stuff
Expand All @@ -477,45 +557,99 @@ function generate_rootfinding_callback(cbs, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknow

rhss = map(x -> x.rhs, eqs)
root_eq_vars = unique(collect(Iterators.flatten(map(ModelingToolkit.vars, rhss))))
_, rf_ip = generate_custom_function(
sys, rhss, dvs, ps; expression = Val{false}, kwargs...)

affect_functions = @NamedTuple{affect::Function, affect_neg::Union{Function, Nothing}}[compile_affect_fn(
for cb in cbs]
cond = function (out, u, t, integ)
rf_ip(out, u, parameter_values(integ), t)

rf_oop, rf_ip = generate_custom_function(sys, rhss, dvs, ps; expression = Val{false},
# since there may be different number of conditions and affects,
# we build a map that translates the condition eq. number to the affect number
eq_ind2affect = reduce(vcat,
[fill(i, num_eqs[i]) for i in eachindex(affect_functions)])
@assert length(eq_ind2affect) == length(eqs)
@assert maximum(eq_ind2affect) == length(affect_functions)

affect_functions = map(cbs) do cb # Keep affect function separate
eq_aff = affects(cb)
affect = compile_affect(eq_aff, sys, dvs, ps; expression = Val{false}, kwargs...)
affect = let affect_functions = affect_functions, eq_ind2affect = eq_ind2affect
function (integ, eq_ind) # eq_ind refers to the equation index that triggered the event, each event has num_eqs[i] equations

if length(eqs) == 1
cond = function (u, t, integ)
if DiffEqBase.isinplace(integ.sol.prob)
tmp, = DiffEqBase.get_tmp_cache(integ)
rf_ip(tmp, u, parameter_values(integ), t)
rf_oop(u, parameter_values(integ), t)
affect_neg = let affect_functions = affect_functions, eq_ind2affect = eq_ind2affect
function (integ, eq_ind) # eq_ind refers to the equation index that triggered the event, each event has num_eqs[i] equations
affect_neg = affect_functions[eq_ind2affect[eq_ind]].affect_neg
if isnothing(affect_neg)
return # skip if the neg function doesn't exist - don't want to split this into a separate VCC because that'd break ordering
ContinuousCallback(cond, affect_functions[])
return VectorContinuousCallback(
cond, affect, affect_neg, length(eqs), rootfind = rootfind)

Compile a single continuous callback affect function(s).
function compile_affect_fn(cb, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs, ps, kwargs)
eq_aff = affects(cb)
eq_neg_aff = affect_negs(cb)
affect = compile_affect(eq_aff, sys, dvs, ps; expression = Val{false}, kwargs...)
if eq_neg_aff === eq_aff
affect_neg = affect
elseif isnothing(eq_neg_aff)
affect_neg = nothing
cond = function (out, u, t, integ)
rf_ip(out, u, parameter_values(integ), t)
affect_neg = compile_affect(
eq_neg_aff, sys, dvs, ps; expression = Val{false}, kwargs...)
(affect = affect, affect_neg = affect_neg)

function generate_rootfinding_callback(cbs, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknowns(sys),
ps = full_parameters(sys); kwargs...)
eqs = map(cb -> flatten_equations(cb.eqs), cbs)
num_eqs = length.(eqs)
total_eqs = sum(num_eqs)
(isempty(eqs) || total_eqs == 0) && return nothing
if total_eqs == 1
# find the callback with only one eq
cb_ind = findfirst(>(0), num_eqs)
if isnothing(cb_ind)
error("Inconsistent state in affect compilation; one equation but no callback with equations?")
cb = cbs[cb_ind]
return generate_single_rootfinding_callback(cb.eqs[], cb, sys, dvs, ps; kwargs...)

# since there may be different number of conditions and affects,
# we build a map that translates the condition eq. number to the affect number
eq_ind2affect = reduce(vcat,
[fill(i, num_eqs[i]) for i in eachindex(affect_functions)])
@assert length(eq_ind2affect) == length(eqs)
@assert maximum(eq_ind2affect) == length(affect_functions)
# group the cbs by what rootfind op they use
# groupby would be very useful here, but alas
cb_classes = Dict{
@NamedTuple{rootfind::SciMLBase.RootfindOpt}, Vector{SymbolicContinuousCallback}}()
for cb in cbs
get!(() -> SymbolicContinuousCallback[], cb_classes, (rootfind = cb.rootfind,)),

affect = let affect_functions = affect_functions, eq_ind2affect = eq_ind2affect
function (integ, eq_ind) # eq_ind refers to the equation index that triggered the event, each event has num_eqs[i] equations
VectorContinuousCallback(cond, affect, length(eqs))
# generate the callbacks out; we sort by the equivalence class to ensure a deterministic preference order
compiled_callbacks = map(collect(pairs(sort!(
OrderedDict(cb_classes); by = p -> p.rootfind)))) do (equiv_class, cbs_in_class)
return generate_vector_rootfinding_callback(
cbs_in_class, sys, dvs, ps; rootfind = equiv_class.rootfind, kwargs...)
if length(compiled_callbacks) == 1
return compiled_callbacks[]
return CallbackSet(compiled_callbacks...)

Expand All @@ -529,7 +663,6 @@ function compile_user_affect(affect::FunctionalAffect, sys, dvs, ps; kwargs...)
ps_ind = Dict(reverse(en) for en in enumerate(ps))
p_inds = map(sym -> ps_ind[sym], parameters(affect))

# HACK: filter out eliminated symbols. Not clear this is the right thing to do
# (MTK should keep these symbols)
u = filter(x -> !isnothing(x[2]), collect(zip(unknowns_syms(affect), v_inds))) |>
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