logger.gd is a simple logging system. It allows for more formatted logging, logging levels and logging to a file.
The logger.gd script was written by Spooner, the other files were added by Matthew to enable this repo to be cloned directly into the addons folder.
Place this file somewhere (for example, 'res://root/logger.gd') and autoload it (in project settings) to make it into a globally accessible singleton.
- Show all log messages
- Show info(), warning(), error() and critical() log messages [DEFAULT]
- Show warning(), error() and critical() log messages
- Show error() and critical() log messages
- Show only critical() log messages
TimeFormat.TIME [HH:MM:SS.mmm]
TimeFormat.ELAPSED [H:MM:SS.mmm]
Getting a reference to the global logger object with:
var logger = get_node('/root/logger')
Setting the logger level (default is Level.INFO):
logger.level = logger.Level.DEBUG
Setting whether to print() message (default is to print):
logger.print_std = false
Setting showing the current elapsed time (defaults to show TimeFormat.DATETIME):
logger.time_format = TimeFormat.ELAPSED
Setting time formatter to use your own function (which would normally be called as
logger.time_format_func = funcref(my_instance, "time_formatter")
Logging to a file (set to 'null' to close the file):
logger.file_name = 'user://log.txt'
Logging messages of various types (will use var2str() to output any non-string being logged):
logger.info("Creating a new fish object")
logger.debug([my_vector3, my_vector2, my_list])
logger.warning("Tried to take over the moon!")
logger.error("File doesn't exist, so I can't go on")
logger.critical("Divided by an ocelot error! Segfault immanent")