Fork updated by Sean on 04-Mar-2020
pyang is a YANG validator, transformator and code generator, written in python. It can be used to validate YANG modules for correctness, to transform YANG modules into other formats, and to generate code from the modules.
YANG (RFC 7950) is a data modeling language for NETCONF (RFC 6241), developed by the IETF NETMOD WG.
See Documentation.
- 1 PyPI
Pyang can be installed from PyPI:
# pip install pyang
- 2 Source
git clone
cd pyang
python install
(this might require root access)
To install in a different location, run:
python install --prefix=/usr/local
If you do this, it is recommended to set the environment variable YANG_INSTALL to the prefix directory. This ensures that pyang will find standard YANG modules. In addition, make sure that PYTHONPATH is set to something as follows:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
or whatever version of python you are running.
Run locally without installing
export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=`pwd`/man:$MANPATH
export YANG_MODPATH=`pwd`/modules:$YANG_MODPATH
export PYANG_XSLT_DIR=`pwd`/xslt
export PYANG_RNG_LIBDIR=`pwd`/schema
source ./
pyang is compatible with the following IETF RFCs:
- RFC 6020: YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)
- RFC 6087: Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of YANG Data Model Documents
- RFC 6110: Mapping YANG to Document Schema Definition Languages and Validating NETCONF Content
- RFC 6643: Translation of Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) MIB Modules to YANG Modules
- RFC 7950: The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Languages
- RFC 7952: Defining and Using Metadata with YANGs
- RFC 8040: RESTCONF Protocols
- RFC 8407: Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of Documents Containing YANG Data Models
- Validate YANG modules.
- Convert YANG modules to YIN, and YIN to YANG.
- Translate YANG data models to DSDL schemas, which can be used for validating various XML instance documents. See InstanceValidation.
- Translate YANG data models to XSD.
- Generate UML diagrams from YANG models. See UMLOutput for an example.
- Generate compact tree representation of YANG models for quick visualization. See TreeOutput for an example.
- Generate a skeleton XML instance document from the data model.
- Schema-aware translation of instance documents encoded in XML to JSON and vice-versa. See XmlJson.
- Plugin framework for simple development of other outputs, such as code generation.
<<<<<<< HEAD
pyang -h
See Documentation.
2018-06-14 - Version 1.7.5 bis Sean Condon
- Forked this from the original pyang on 5Feb18 because original did not want to accept the xsd plugin
- Added in XSD Plugin as pyang/plugins/ and associated tests under tests/test_xsd
- Added in JtoXX Plugin as pyang/plugins/
- Added in SQL plugin
2018-04-25 - Version 1.7.5 released
tree plugin updated to align with RFC 8340
better formatting of YANG modules with -f yang
reduced memory usage
... and various other enhancements and bug fixes, see CHANGES.
2018-02-23 - Version 1.7.4 released
tree plugin updated to align with draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams-05
... and various other enhancements and bug fixes, see CHANGES.
2017-06-27 - Version 1.7.3 released
- Handle multiple rc:yang-data statements. This bug caused validation of ietf-restconf, or any module that imported ietf-restconf, to fail.
2017-06-14 - Version 1.7.2 released
Added support for external plugins, using setuptools entry_points, with the entry point "pyang.plugin".
... and various other enhancements and bug fixes, see CHANGES.
man pyang
bin/ Executable scripts.
pyang/ Contains the pyang library code.
pyang/ Initialization code for the pyang library. Defines the Context and Repository classes.
pyang/ Generic syntax checking for YANG and YIN statements. Defines regular expressions for argument checking of core statements.
pyang/ Generic grammar for YANG and YIN. Defines chk_module_statements() which validates a parse tree according to the grammar.
pyang/ Defines the generic Statement class and all validation code.
pyang/ YANG tokenizer and parser.
pyang/ YIN parser. Uses the expat library for XML parsing.
pyang/ Contains code for checking built-in types.
pyang/ Plugin API. Defines the class PyangPlugin which all plugins inherits from. All output handlers are written as plugins.
pyang/plugins/ Directory where plugins can be installed. All plugins in this directory are automatically initialized when the library is initialized.
pyang/translators/ Contains output plugins for YANG, YIN, XSD, and DSDL translation.
xslt Contains XSLT style sheets for generating RELAX NG, Schematron and DSRL schemas and validating instance documents. Also included is the free implementation of ISO Schematron by Rick Jelliffe from (files iso_schematron_skeleton_for_xslt1.xsl, iso_abstract_expand.xsl and iso_svrl_for_xslt1.xsl).
schema Contains RELAX NG schemas and pattern libraries.