This is the v2 rewrite for annoybot. (<= 1.9.0 repo)
Built with, Redis and Turso.
A bot primarily used to annoy your friends, harmlessly.
Highlights (Most used)
- roast: roast your friends with some dank roasts
- ghosttroll: ghost ping your friends in 3 different channels
- playnoise: play a stupid noise into your voice channel
- autoresponse: automatically respond to certain keywords
- ratio: produces a classic twitter ratio to ratio your friends
- And so much more! We have games, trolling, memes, dark jokes, it's all here!
Why wait? Piss your friends off now!
- Automatically sharded bot on the server
- Turso primary db (sin)
- redis client
- scheduler with
- Replication to secondary
GNU Make
# optional
python (venv)
- Rename
- Set the required values
- Run
make migrate
(Alembic, preferred) ormake init_db
# optional: activate venv to isolate python env
source venv/bin/activate || venv\Scripts\activate # (macOS/linux || windows)
make run # docker compose down and up
make migrate # handles alembic upgrades
format: make black
alembic revision:
make changes to the db/models/
directory. Once done, run make revise
(Doing alembic revision -m "..."
will not work with libsql) to autogenerate a revision with alembic.
migration on prod: run alembic upgrade \<migration-hash\> --sql > dump.sql
, copy the content of the file, and paste into turso db shell \<name\>
. (have not figured out turso auth yet 💀)