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VQ-VAE/GAN Pytorch Lightning

Pytorch lightning implementation of both VQVAE/VQGAN, with different quantization algorithms. Uses FFCV for fast data loading and WandB for logging.

Acknowledgments and Citations

Original vqvae paper:
Original vqgan paper:

Original vqvae code:
Original vqgan code:

Some architectural improvements are taken by:

Improved VQGAN:

Perceptual Loss part cloned from:

Discriminator cloned from:
Discriminator Losses (hinge / non-saturating):

Quantization Algorithms:

Fast Data Loading:


For fast solving, I suggest to use libmamba:

Note: Check the pytorch-cuda version in environment.yml to ensure it is compatible with your cuda version.

# Dependencies Install 
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate vqvae

# package install (after cloning)
pip install .

Stylegan custom ops

StyleGan discriminator uses custom cuda operations, written by the NVIDIA team to speed up training.
This requires to install NVIDIA-CUDA TOOLKIT:

In this repo, instead of NVIDIA-CUDA TOOLKIT, the environment.yml installs:
I found this to be an easier option, and apparently everything works fine.

Datasets and DataLoaders

This repository allows for both fast (FFCV) and standard (pytorch) data loading.

In each case, your dataset can be composed of images in .png .jpg .bmp .JPEG formats.
The dataset structure must be like the following:

 🗂 path/to/dataset/
    📂 train/
     ┣ 000.jpeg
     ┣ 001.jpg
     ┗ 002.png
    📂 validation/
     ┣ 003.jpeg
     ┣ 004.bmp
     ┗ 005.png
    📂 test/
     ┣ 006.jpeg
     ┣ 007.jpg
     ┗ 008.bmp

If you want to use FFCV, you must first create the .beton files. For this you can use the script int the /data directory.

# example
# creates 2 beton files (one for val and one for training) 
# in the /home/datasets/examples/beton_dataset directory. 
# the max resolution of the preprocessed images will be 256x256

python ./data/ --max_resolution 256 /
                                   --output_folder "/home/datasets/examples/beton_dataset" /
                                   --train_folder "/home/datasets/examples/train" /
                                   --val_folder "/home/datasets/examples/validation"

For more information on fast loading, check:

Configuration Files

The configuration file .yaml provides all the details on the type of autoencoder that you want to train (check the folder "./example_confs").


Once dataset and configuration file are created, run training script like:

  python ./vqvae/ --params_file "./example_confs/standard_vqvae_cb1024.yaml" \
                          --dataloader ffcv \  # uses ffcv data-loader
                          --dataset_path "/home/datasets/examples/" \ # contains train/validation .beton file
                          --save_path "./runs/" \ 
                          --run_name vqvae_standard_quantization \
                          --seed 1234 \  # fix seed for reproducibility
                          --logging \  # will log results to wandb
                          --workers 8               


To evaluate a pre-trained model, run:

  python ./vqvae/ --params_file "./example_confs/standard_vqvae_cb1024.yaml" \ # config of pretrained model
                             --dataloader ffcv \  # uses ffcv data-loader
                             --dataset_path "/home/datasets/examples/" \ # contains test.beton file
                             --batch_size 64 \ # evaluation is done on single gpu
                             --seed 1234 \  # fix seed for reproducibility
                             --loading_path "/home/runs/standard_vqvae_cb1024/last.ckpt" \ # checkpoint file
                             --workers 8             

The Evaluation process is based on the torchmetrics library ( For each run, computed measures are L2, PSNR, SSIM, rFID for reconstruction and Perplexity, Codebook usage on the whole test set for quantization.

Attempts to reproduce the original VQGAN results on ImageNet-1K

Reproduction is really hard, mainly due to the high compression rate (256x256 to 16x16) and relatively small codebook size (1024 indices).

The pretrained models and configuration files used can be downloaded at this link

Run Name Codebook Usage Perplexity L2 SSIM PSNR rFID # (trainable) params
original VQGAN (Esser et Al.) - - - - - 7.94 -
Maskgit VQGAN (Cheng et Al.) - - - - - 2.28 -
Gumbel Reproduction 99.61 % 892.00 0.0075 0.61 21.23 6.30 72.5 M

Note: For training, NVIDIA A100 GPUs with Tensor Core have been used.

Details on Quantization Algorithms

Classic or EMA VQ-VAE are known to encounter codebook-collapse issues, where only a subset of the codebook indices is used. See for example: Theory and Experiments on Vector Quantized Autoencoders (

To avoid collapse, some solutions have been proposed (and are implemented in this repo):

  1. Re-initialize the unused codebook indices every n epochs. Can be applied with standard or EMA Vector Quantization. in the Gumbel Softmax and Entropy Quantization algorithms.
  2. Totally change the Quantization algorithm, adding some regularization term (Gumbel, Entropy) to increase the entropy in the codebook distribution.

Details on Discriminator part

In general, it is better to wait as long as possible before Discriminator kicks in.
Check these issues in the original VQGAN repo:

In the reproduction, Discriminator starts only after 100 epochs. The training continues until possible. At a certain point, the loss collapses (typical behavior in GANs).

I found that R1 regularization can help, while the adaptive generator weight does not improve results (used a fixed 0.1 weight on generator).