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This module contains libmdbx bindings.

MDBX is a fork of well-known LMDB embeddable database. It contains various fixes and improvements. See libmdbx for details.

Supported platforms:

  • Linux
  • Windows


On Linux:

  • CMake
  • gcc

On Windows:


npm install node-mdbx


See API for details.

const MDBX = require('node-mdbx');
const db = new MDBX({
  // path to DB directory
  path: '/tmp/test_db',
  // maximum number of inner Dbis (default is 1)
  maxDbs: 5,

  // trade-off for speed and durability
  syncMode: 'safeNoSync',
  // Read-only mode (default is false)
  readOnly: false,
  // Page size (default is 4096)
  pageSize: 65536,
  // Key convert mode. Possible values:
  // 'string' (default) - all returned keys will be auto-converted from buffer to string
  // 'buffer' - returned keys will remain buffers
  keyMode: 'string',

  // Value convert mode. Possible values:
  // 'string' - all returned values will be auto-converted from buffer to string
  // 'buffer' (default) - returned values will remain buffers
  valueMode: 'buffer',

// All database operations should be enclosed inside transaction with transact method.
// It accepts *sync* function as only parameter. Nested calls are possible
// (but commit/rollback mechanics will only work at top-level .transact call).

const result = db.transact(txn => {
  const dbi = txn.getDbi('main');
  // working with dbi
  dbi.put('key', 'value');

  // Buffer.isBuffer(value) == true && String(value) == 'value'
  const value = dbi.get('key');
  // true
  // false
  // undefined
  // iterate over all values:
  for (let key = dbi.first(); key != null; key = {
  // returned value will be passed as a result of .transact call:
  return 'someresult';

// There is also an async version of transact: asyncTransact.
// It accepts *async* function as only parameter. 
// asyncTransact call queues execution of passed action until no transaction is active.

// Warning 1: Remember that during action execution other transactions cannot be processed,
//   so action should be as fast as possible.

// Warning 2: Deadlock will be created with await of nested asyncTransact call. To overcome it:
//   1. Don't use such a nested calls, or
//   2. Don't wait (asynchronously, directly or indirectly) on nested asyncTransact calls within
// initial asyncTransact call stack.

async function dbExample() {
  await db.asyncTransact(async txn => {
    const dbi = txn.getDbi('main');
    // do something with dbi
    // can use async calls


class MDBX

new MDBX(options)

Creates or opens MDBX database. Accepts options object.

  • options.path - database directory path (required)
  • options.readOnly - if true, then opens in read-only mode (default: false)
  • options.maxDbs - maximum number of inner Dbis (default: 1)
  • options.pageSize - page size (default: 4096)
  • options.keyMode - key mode:
    • 'string' - all key-returning methods convert keys from buffer to string (default)
    • 'buffer' - no key conversion
  • options.valueMode - value mode:
    • 'string' - all value-returning methods convert value from buffer to string
    • 'buffer' - no value conversion (default)
  • options.syncMode - sync mode (ordered by decreasing safety):
    • 'durable' (default) - durable sync mode (MDBX_SYNC_DURABLE)
    • 'noMetaSync' - no meta sync on commit (MDBX_NOMETASYNC)
    • 'safeNoSync' - don't sync anything but keep previous steady commits (MDBX_NOMETASYNC + MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC)
    • 'unsafe' (fastest) - don't sync anything and wipe previous steady commits (MDBX_NOMETASYNC + MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC) See for details.


Executes syncronous action inside transaction. If transaction is already active, then uses it. action has single parameter txn - current transaction. txn should be used to get dbis and do data manipulations. Rollbacks on error (only for top-level .transact call). Returns the returned value of action call.


Executes async action inside transaction. Queues execution if needed. Warning! Avoid nested .asyncTransact awaits as it could lead to a deadlock!


Closes the database.


Has true value if database has been closed.


Returns true if there is a transaction active.

static clearDb(path)

Deletes whole database by it's directory path. Database should not be opened in any process!

class TXN


Opens and returns DBI of a given name (null or empty string - open main/default dbi). Don't reuse DBI or TXN objects between different transactions. Storing them for later use is undefined behaviour. Remember that the maximum number of dbis maxDbs greater than 1 should be specified to MDBX constructor at database creation time to use dbis other than the default one (name == null). Otherwise, an error will occur: "MDBX_DBS_FULL: Too many DBI-handles (maxdbs reached)".

.clearDbi(name, remove)

Clears (remove == false) or removes (remove == true) dbi with name name. If remove == true than all corresponding dbi objects will be invalidated. To recreate dbi with the same name, one should use .getDbi(name) afterwards.

class DBI

.put(key, value)

Set value of a key. Key and value should be Buffer or string.


Get value of a key. Returns Buffer (or string, if 'string' valueMode is used) with it's value if such a key exists. Returns undefined otherwise.


Returns true if key exists. Returns false otherwise.


Deletes key.


Returns the smallest (lexicographically) key in Dbi. If there are no keys returns undefined.


Returns the biggest (lexicographically) key in Dbi. If there are no keys returns undefined.


Returns the smallest (lexicographically) key greater than the given input key. It there are no such a keys, returns undefined.


Returns the largest (lexicographically) key less than the given input key. It there are no such a keys, returns undefined.


Returns the smallest (lexicographically) key greater or equal to the given input key. It there are no such a keys, returns undefined.


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