This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- This is an attempt and learning / teaching ReactJS
- After running through a great Tutorial by Tyler McGinnis. I am trying to piece it all together
- {this.progress} => react-router is fun
- {this.painInTheAss} => just about everything at this point!
- On the bright side, toying around with state, this, and router has brought on a lot of ideas
- at this point, visit me and marvel and the lack of progress! haha
- Not much, basic Hello World at this point
- Basic routing, toying with the idea of passing {this.props} into buttons and headers to make the experience fun
- Working with inputs to pass params/queries to auth into my external API
- add login / create form to access separate API on Heroku
- react-bootstrap for base styling - this is happening!
- add map with app accessing IP markers
- eventually websockets and topics for discussion based on ip location