Add a11y #352
GitHub Actions / Cypress Tests
Oct 30, 2024 in 0s
52 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped
❌ /home/runner/work/cypress-test-utils/cypress-test-utils/cypress/results/json/mochawesome.json
54 tests were completed in 320s with 52 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
src/ | 52✔️ | 2❌ | 13s |
❌ src/
cypress helper tests
✔️ Non existing slot
✔️ should assert element's text ends with suffix
✔️ should assert element's text starts with prefix
✔️ should check checkbox
✔️ should click button
✔️ should get computed style
✔️ should get current location
✔️ should get disabled element status
✔️ should get element by attribute
✔️ should get element by css
✔️ should get element by text
✔️ should get element's text
✔️ should get enabled element status
✔️ should get env variable
✔️ should get fixture
✔️ should get image source
✔️ should get initial select input
✔️ should get initial text input
✔️ should get number of elements
✔️ should get style
❌ should get the given style from element with index
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
❌ should get the given style from the element
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
✔️ should have text
✔️ should not have text
✔️ should select element
✔️ should select input by index
✔️ should select input by label
✔️ should select input by value
✔️ should set env variable
✔️ should take snapshot and compare to previous
✔️ should test a11y
✔️ should toggle radio by selector
✔️ should toggle radio within container
✔️ should type input
✔️ should type special characters
✔️ should uncheck checkbox
✔️ Test non-existing element
cypress helper tests default data attribute
✔️ should get element's text
✔️ should get element's text using then
✔️ should get element's text using then and shouldExist
cypress helper tests interception
✔️ given fixture should intercept request and mock response
✔️ should intercept request and mock response
✔️ should intercept request and test body
✔️ should intercept request and test header
✔️ should intercept request and test query params
✔️ should intercept request and test url
✔️ should intercept request and wait for response
cypress helper tests interception when waiting for last call
✔️ should wait for last call
cypress helper tests stubbing an spying
✔️ should partially match spy params
✔️ should spy on function
✔️ should stub function
✔️ should stub function with alias
✔️ should stub object function
✔️ should stub object getter
github-actions / Cypress Tests
src/ ► cypress helper tests ► should get the given style from element with index
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
Raw output
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
at Assertable.shouldEqual (webpack://@shellygo/cypress-test-utils/./src/assertable.ts:272:54)
at Context.eval (webpack://@shellygo/cypress-test-utils/./src/
github-actions / Cypress Tests
src/ ► cypress helper tests ► should get the given style from the element
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
Raw output
AssertionError: expected '18px' to equal '142px'
at Assertable.shouldEqual (webpack://@shellygo/cypress-test-utils/./src/assertable.ts:272:54)
at Context.eval (webpack://@shellygo/cypress-test-utils/./src/