Silo is an exploration into understanding how modern infrastructure developed by Modal Labs and similar startups work. The primary goal is to create a platform with extremely fast build times, cold boot times ranging from a couple of seconds to hundreds of milliseconds, and an extremely cheap solution for serverless computing.
I learned a lot of initial concepts from the Modal Labs Deep Dive blog post by Ehsan and twitter thread by founder and CEO of Modal Labs, Erik Bernhardsson.
This post covers key workings and components of the Silo architecture and how they work together to provide a fast and efficient serverless platform.
Currently, methods of pulling and launching containers are slow; pulling an entire image can take from tens of seconds to minutes, depending on the size. Building them can take similar or even longer depending on the cache. All of this adds up the cost of the cloud infrastructure and thus to the end user.
It also slows down the development process and makes it harder to iterate on the code. Low latency in development is extremely important as emphasized in this great talk by Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle.
One of the solution to this problem is best explained in this Twitter thread by Erik Bernhardsson, but in short, we take advantage of 4 different facts:
- File-based Linux Structure: Almost everything is a file in Linux and the average file size in Linux is often less than an MB.
- Selective File Usage: We rarely need the entire image; a few specific files are used most of the time.
- We can mount a container image as a filesystem. e.g. In Podman we can use the
flag to mount the image as a filesystem. - Most of the files are identical across containers. such as Python standard library, numpy, pandas etc.
By using these facts and implementing caching techniques, we can significantly reduce cold boot times from tens of seconds to just hundreds of milliseconds.
To try Silo on your local machine, install podman, then follow these steps:
Start the Indexer to index images ( requires root permissions ):
$ cargo build --release --bin indexer $ sudo RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/indexer
A command-line interface will appear, allowing you to index images and list indexed images. Index an image using:
index python:3.11
with your python version)Keep the Indexer running in the background.
Start the Silo server:
cargo run --release --bin silo -- serve
Launch a sample Python script:
python silo/ launch examples/
Silo's architecture is composed of mainly four components:
- gRPC Server - The main server that manages the entire lifecycle from client request to response.
- HTTP Server - Acts as a communication bridge between the gRPC server and the containers to send and receive data.
- FUSE Filesystem - Mounts a read-only filesystem for containers to access image files.
- Indexer - Manages container images, serving container files via a TCP server to the FUSE filesystem.
Here's the detailed lifecycle for a user request in Silo:
participant Client
participant gRPC as gRPC Server
participant HTTP as HTTP Server
participant DB as SQLite DB
participant FUSE as FUSE Filesystem
participant Indexer
participant Container
Client->>+gRPC: Send pickled Python code
gRPC->>+HTTP: Store code
HTTP->>+DB: Save code
DB-->>-HTTP: Confirm save
HTTP-->>-gRPC: Confirm storage
gRPC->>+FUSE: Mount filesystem
FUSE->>+Indexer: Request file structure
Indexer->>+DB: Retrieve image data
DB-->>-Indexer: Return image data
Indexer-->>-FUSE: Provide file structure
FUSE-->>-gRPC: Filesystem mounted
gRPC->>+Container: Launch with FUSE mount
Container->>+HTTP: Request code
HTTP->>+DB: Retrieve code
DB-->>-HTTP: Return code
HTTP-->>-Container: Provide code
Container->>Container: Execute code
Container->>+HTTP: Send output
HTTP->>+DB: Store result
DB-->>-HTTP: Confirm storage
HTTP-->>-Container: Confirm received
gRPC->>+HTTP: Retrieve result
HTTP->>+DB: Fetch result
DB-->>-HTTP: Return result
HTTP-->>-gRPC: Provide result
gRPC-->>-Client: Send result
The gRPC server is the heart of Silo, managing the entire lifecycle of container execution. Here's what happens when you run a Python script through Silo:
The server receives pickled Python code with function parameters and image name from the client
request.func_str = inspect.getsource(self.func) request.func = base64.b64encode(cloudpickle.dumps(self.func)).decode("utf-8") request.args = base64.b64encode(cloudpickle.dumps(args)).decode("utf-8") request.kwargs = base64.b64encode(cloudpickle.dumps(kwargs)).decode("utf-8") request.image_name = self.image_name
It communicates with the HTTP server to store the code.
let task_id = reqwest::Client::new() .post(format!("{}/api/tasks", self.host_link)) .json(&Task { id: None, func: request_data.func, args: request_data.args, kwargs: request_data.kwargs, func_str: request_data.func_str, }) .send() .await;
A FUSE filesystem is mounted to provide a read-only filesystem for the container. See
std::fs::create_dir_all(mount_path).unwrap(); self.filesystem .mount(&request_data.image_name, mount_path) .unwrap();
The container is launched using Podman in, with the FUSE filesystem mounted and running the Python script predefined in the image
let status = Command::new("podman") .args(&[ "run", "-e", &format!("HOST_LINK={}", host_link), "-e", &format!("TASK_ID={}", task_id), "--network", "host", "--rootfs", mount_path, // FUSE filesystem mount path "python3", script_path, ]) .output()?;
Once the container completes execution, the server retrieves the output and sends it back to the client
let python_result = reqwest::Client::new() .get(format!("{}/api/results/{}", self.host_link, task_id)) .body(container_name) .send() .await .unwrap() .json::<Output>() .await .unwrap();
The HTTP server facilitates communication between the gRPC server and the containers, using following HTTP endpoints:
.route("/tasks", web::post().to(add_task)) // Adding a new task
.route("/tasks/{task_id}", web::get().to(get_task)) // Getting a task
.route("/results/{task_id}", web::post().to(add_result)) // Adding a result
.route("/results/{task_id}", web::get().to(get_result)) // Getting a result
It also stores the data in an SQLite database.
The following SQLite database schema is used to store task and result data:
TEXT kwargs "NOT NULL"
TEXT func_str "NOT NULL"
INTEGER task_id
TEXT output "NOT NULL"
TASKS ||--o{ RESULTS : "task_id"
Silo uses a FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) filesystem to provide a read-only view of filesystem to running containers. This filesystem:
- Is mounted on the host machine.
- Acts as a read-only filesystem for containers.
- Retrieves file structure and contents from the Indexer via TCP.
Our FUSE filesystem mainly implements the following methods - filesystem/
impl Filesystem for SiloFSMount { fn lookup(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEntry) { // Lookup a directory entry by name and get its attributes. } fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, reply: ReplyAttr) { // Get attributes for a file or directory. } fn read(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, size: u32, _flags: i32, _lock: Option<u64>, reply: ReplyData) { // Read data from a file. } fn open(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, _flags: i32, reply: ReplyOpen) { // Open a file. } fn readdir(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, mut reply: ReplyDirectory) { // Read a directory. } fn readlink(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, reply: ReplyData) { // Read the target of a symbolic link. } }
The Indexer is a crucial component that serves container file data and structure and allows adding new images to the system.
The indexing process is defined in and In short, and involves the following steps:
- Pull the image from the container registry.
- Run the container and mount it's filesystem in a temporary directory.
- Iterate over each file in the container, calculate its sha256 hash, and save the content with the hash as the ID.
- Saving the content with the hash as the ID allows for deduplication across multiple images.
- Save the entire filestructure in a SQLite database, implemented in
participant U as User
participant CLI as CLI Handler
participant I as ContentIndexer
participant DB as AppState/Database
participant FS as File System
U->>CLI: Index Image Command
CLI->>I: Create ContentIndexer
I->>FS: Pull Image
I->>FS: Run Container
I->>FS: Add Custom Script
I->>FS: Install Python Libraries
I->>FS: Mount Container
loop For each file in container
I->>FS: Read File Content
I->>I: Calculate sha256 hash
I->>FS: Save content with ID as hash
I->>DB: Save Indexed Data
I->>DB: Update Next Inode
CLI->>U: Indexing Complete
New images can be added to indexer via a command-line interface:
Available commands:
ls - List indexed images
index <name> - Index an image by name
help - Show this help message
cargo run --release --bin indexer -- index python:3.11
The Indexer exposes a TCP server to serve image files to the FUSE filesystem.
- FUSE filesystem first requests file structure from the Indexer using a very hacky way by sending a
text to the Indexer. - The Indexer then reads the image file structure from SQL Database and sends it back to the FUSE filesystem.
- The FUSE filesystem then can request individual files from the Indexer using the file sha256 hash.
[*] --> Listening
Listening --> ClientConnected : New Connection
ClientConnected --> ReadingRequest : Read from Socket
ReadingRequest --> ProcessingGetData : GET_DATA Request
ReadingRequest --> ProcessingFileRequest : File Request
ProcessingGetData --> SendingResponse : Serialize Data
ProcessingFileRequest --> CheckingCache : Check File Cache
CheckingCache --> SendingResponse : File in Cache
CheckingCache --> ReadingFile : File Not in Cache
ReadingFile --> SendingResponse : Read from Disk
SendingResponse --> ClientConnected : Write to Socket
ClientConnected --> [*] : Client Disconnected
While Silo is a powerful demonstration of container orchestration concepts, there's always room for improvement. Some areas we're considering for future development include:
Optimized Indexing: The indexer right now is extremely inefficient when indexing the images. It indexes the entire image and stores it in the database. This is due to mounting an entire image then interating over individual files. A more practical way would be to perhaps do a parallel layer based indexing.
Enhanced Security: Security was not the primary focus of this project, but it's an important consideration for production use. Modal seems to be using gVisor for this purpose.
Scalability Enhancements: Silo is currently designed for single-machine use, but it could be extended to support multiple machines in a cluster. This would involve developing a distributed filesystem and load balancing.
Encryption: The communication between the gRPC server and the containers is not encrypted. This is a security risk and should be addressed.