Codes and data used in the paper "Large-scale Automatic Identification of Urban Vacant Land Using Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images".
The codes are based on a deep learning approach, using the semantic segmentation network DeepLabv3.
Code and data files:
train_raw/ # store all cities' raw images and labels for training
-BJ_01_map.jpg # eg for filename of image: {city}_{ID}map.jpg
-BJ_01_label.jpg # eg for filename of label: {city}{ID}_label.jpg
train_input/ # training images and labels of the current city model,
# produced by
test_raw/ # store all cities' raw images for test and prediction
test_output/ # output predicton results, prodeced by
data_process/ # DATA PROCESSING new_dataset/ # image and label patches, produced by codes # code for splitting train images and labels # code for splitting test images # code for merging test model outputs # code for optimizing model outputs # code for dividing training and validation sets # code for generating datasets and defining evaluation metrics
model/ # DEEP LEARNING MODEL best_model/ # store the best deeplabv3 models for prediction -DeeplabV3_xxx.pth # 4 models: SZ, BJ, LZ, and Hybrid, used in the paper deeplabv3/ # code and pretrained backbones of deeplabv3 model/ # code for deeplabv3 model # main code # encoder # decoder pretrained_models/resnet/ # pretrained resnet backbones -resnetxxx.pth -DeeplabV3_xxx.pth # the best model in the training process
log/ # MODEL TRAINING LOG csv/ # csv files -Log.log # text file # main code for exploring the UVL rate of the training dataset, # which relates to the weighted loss function. # main code for model training # main code for prediction
How to run the code: -Environment:
- Python 3.7
- PyTorch torch==1.4.0+cu92
-To train:
- Put raw images and labels in the folder "RS_dataset/train_raw/" following the filename rules above.
- Run for model training. Select city. Adjust args and settings as you like.
- Find -DeeplabV3_xxx.pth under the folder "model/", which is the best trained model.
-To predict:
- Put raw images in the folder "RS_dataset/test_raw/" following the filename rules above.
- Run Select model and city. Adjust args and settings as you like.
- Find results under the folder "RS_dataset/test_output/".
Training tips:
- Use to explore the UVL rate of the training dataset and use [rate, 1-rate] as the weights of the weighted loss function.
- The spatial resolution of the RS image is recommended to be around 1.6 m. See Appendix B of the paper for explanation.
- The default deeplabv3 model in the code uses resnet18 as backbone, which is recommended. See Appendix C for explanation.
The models and RS_dataset can be found in