To start game for dev:
npm install #this gets your dependencies
npm run dev #this starts up the project in a hot-reloading dev server
#connect to localhost:8080
Read mp3
- Read into array(?)
- Array size: sample rate * song length in secs
Frequency analysis
- FFT over whole(?) mp3 to find frequency content
- input: array of samples over time, each spaced by f_s
- result: array of samples corresponding to multiples of f_c [f_s, 2f_s, 3f_s, ... ] (i think)
- ALT: Break into amplitude level sections
- Analyze each section separately. This will probably give us better "levels" overall
- LPF array
- Bin samples (bin size? TBD)
- For each bin, only keep the maximum sample as 1, replace all others with 0
- Find distance between peaks in each bin over entire array
- Assume most common distance is a factor of the BPM (or the BPM itself)