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slaff edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 8 revisions

The benefits of coding standards are readability, maintainability and compatibility. Any member of the development team in Sming should be able to read the code of another developer. The developer who maintains a piece of code tomorrow may not be the coder who programmed it today.

Therefore we enforce coding standards described in our Style Guide. The coding style rules are mandatory for the Sming/SmingCore and samples directories and all their sub-directories. And they should be applied to all C, C++ and header files in those directories.

A Pull Request that does not adhere to the coding style rules will not be merged until those rules are applied.


Tools will help you easily adhere to the coding standards described in our Style Guide without the need to know them by heart.


Clang-Format and Clang-Tidy

In order to automatically check and apply our coding standards you need to install clang-format and optionally clang-tidy.

In Ubuntu you should be able to install them using the following command

sudo apt-get install clang-format clang-tidy

See the the download page of the Clang project for installation instructions for other operating systems.

We are using version 6.0 of clang-format and clang-tidy on our Continuous Integration (CI) System. If possible try to install the same version or newer on your development computer.



The coding rules are described in the .clang-format which can be found in the root directory of the project. You don't have to change anything on this file unless it is discussed and agreed coding style change.

IDE integration

There are multiple existing integrations for IDEs that can be found at the bottom of that page ClangFormat.html.

Eclipse IDE

For our Eclipse IDE, which is our preferred IDE, we recommend installing the CppStyle plugin. You can configure your IDE to auto-format the code on "Save" using the recommended coding style and/or format according to our coding style rules using Ctrl-Shift-F (for formatting of whole file or selection of lines). Read Configure CppStyle for details.


Command Line

Single File

If you want to directly apply the coding standards from the command line you can run the following command

clang-format -style=file -i SmingCore/<modified-file>

Where SmingCore/<modified-file> should be replaced with the path to the file that you have modified.

All files

The following command will run again the coding standards formatter over all C,C++ and header files inside the Sming/SmingCore and samples directory.

make cs

The command needs time to finish. So be patient. It will go over all files and will try to fix any coding style issues.


If you have installed CppStyle as described above you can either configure Eclipse to auto-format your files on "Save" or you can manually apply the coding style rules by selecting the source code of a C,C++ or header file or a selection in it and run the Format command (usually Ctrl-Shift-F).

Style Guide

You don't have to know by heart the coding style but it is worth having an idea about our rules. Below are described some of them. Those rules will be can be automatically applied as mentioned in the previous chapter.


We use tabs for indentation. Configure your editor to display a tab as long as 4 spaces. Below are the corresponding settings in clang-format.

TabWidth:        4
UseTab:          Always
IndentWidth:     4


Identifier type

Rules for naming



Class names must be nouns in UpperCamelCase, with the first letter of every word capitalised. Use whole words — avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used than the long form, such as URL or HTML).

  • class HttpClient {}
  • class HttpClientConnection {}


Methods must be either verbs in lowerCamelCase, or a multi-word name that begins with a verb in lowercase; that is, with the first letter lowercase and the first letters of subsequent words in uppercase.

  • bind();
  • getStatus();


Local variables, instance variables, and class variables must also be written in lowerCamelCase. Variable names must not start with, end with or contain underscore (_) or dollar sign ($) characters. This is in constrast to some coding conventions which prefix all instance variables with underscore, however this is reserved by the C++ standard and can create problems.

Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic — that is, designed to indicate to the casual observer the intent of its use. One-character variable names should be avoided except for temporary "throwaway" variables. Common names for temporary variables are i, j, k, m, and n for integers; c, d, and e for characters.

  • int i;
  • char c;
  • WebsocketClient* client;


Constants must be written in uppercase characters separated by underscores. Constant names may contain digits if appropriate, but not as the first character.

  • #define MAX_PARTICIPANTS 10;

C++ Standard

For the moment we recommend the use of C++11. The corresponding settings in clang-format are:

Standard:        Cpp11
Cpp11BracedListStyle: true

Starting and ending spaces

We don't recommend the use of a starting or ending space in angles, container literals, c-style cast parentheses, parentheses and square brackets. Our settings are

SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
SpaceBeforeParens: Never
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false

SpacesInAngles:  false
SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
SpacesInParentheses: false
SpacesInSquareBrackets: false

See the meaning of those keys and their selected values in the ClangFormatStyleOptions document.

Line length

We are living in the 21st century so most of the monitors should be capable of displaying 120 characters per line. If a line is longer than those characters it will be split whenever possible.

ColumnLimit:     120

Empty Lines

Two or more empty lines will be compacted to one. Also we delete empty lines at the start of a block.

KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1


    AfterClass:      false
    AfterControlStatement: false
    AfterEnum:       true
    AfterFunction:   true
    AfterObjCDeclaration: false
    AfterStruct:     false
    BeforeElse:      true
    IndentBraces:    false
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux

See the meaning of those keys and their selected values in the ClangFormatStyleOptions document.

Pointer Alignment

Always on the left.

PointerAlignment: Left


We don't re-sort includes although it is highly recommended to order the headers alphabetically whenever possible.

SortIncludes:    false


We try not to split comment lines into smaller ones and also we add one space between code and trailing comment.

ReflowComments: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1


For readability put always spaces before assignment operators.

SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true

Other Elements

#include guards

Please follow the standard naming convention. Example:

Filename: SmingCore/Network/Http/Websocket/WsCommandHandlerResource.h




Standard file headers

Please use the standard Sming header with copyright notice:

 * Sming Framework Project - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development.
 * Created 2015 by Skurydin Alexey
 * All files of the Sming Core are provided under the LGPL v3 license.
 * [Insert filename here] - [optional brief description of file]
 * @author [date] [name] [email]
 * [comments]

Do not include details of minor changes to the file as this is handled by GIT. It may be appropriate to add notes to identify major changes or contributions. These should be marked with a new @author tag.

Deprecating code

Where a change in the Sming API may break existing users' code, then the existing method/function/variable must be maintained for a time to allow time for migration to the new technique. Such changes should only be made if there is a good reason, for example improved reliability, performance, ease of use.

Deprecation requires two steps:

Step 1: Add a @deprecated tag to the method header comment so the change is flagged in the auto-generated API documentation. Include a brief explanation of the new method or technique to be adopted. See also Documenting the API. Example:

/** @deprecated Use `anotherMethod()` instead */

Step 2: Append SMING_DEPRECATED to the method declaration so the compiler will flag a warning if that method is used during compilation.

The framework and samples must build without referencing any deprecated methods, functions or variables.

Virtual Classes

Sming makes extensive use of virtual classes. If you are modifying or adding virtual methods then please follow these guidelines:

Rule Example Rationale
The base class must have a virtual destructor, even if it doesn't do anything. virtual ~Stream() {}
Inherited classes must not prepend `virtual` or append `override` to any destructor. ~IDataSourceStream(); virtual destructors do not behave like regular virtual methods - they are 'chained' rather than overridden - therefore `override` is not appropriate and `virtual` is both un-necessary and unhelpful
Use the `override` directive on inherited virtual methods int read() override; The compiler will ensure there is actually a base method to inherit from and generate a compiler warning if one is not found, or if parameters do not correspond.

Please don't use empty destructors in inherited virtual classes - they're not necessary.

Common issues

Some notes on commonly occurring issues.

  * @brief Basic example class
class VirtualBuffer
	virtual ~VirtualBase

	virtual unsigned getLength() const = 0;

  * @brief Descendant example class
class MemoryBuffer : public VirtualBuffer
		Note: Omit destructor if not required in descendant
			Note: delete includes null pointer check so you don't have to
		delete buffer;

		Use `const` qualifier for methods which don't modify object
	const char* getBuffer() const
		return pos;
		Trivial code should go into the class header file where possible.
		Rationale: Compiler is better able to optimise code. Easier to read.

		Use `override` on virtual methods
	unsigned getLength() const override
		return length;

		Use methods to access member variables rather than making them public
		Rationale: Protects data, helps when tracking down bugs
	void setBuffer(char* newBuffer, unsigned newLength)
		delete buffer;
		buffer = newBuffer;
		length = newLength;

  		Each class should operate on a small, well-defined item of data.

		Class variables should be defined with initialisers, rather than using code in the constructor.
		Rationale: Reduces/eliminates risk of un-initialised data causing unpredictable behaviour.
	char* buffer = nullptr;

		Remember `int` can be unsigned! If a value doesn't need to be signed, don't make it so.
		Rationale: unsigned values are simpler to check, less likely to introduce bugs, compiler can better optimise computations
	unsigned length = 0;
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