A python script to apply a random spicetify theme from a given list
The only dependency is spicetify, you should install it before running this. By default you should create an options list in ~/.config/spicetify/options.txt with the following format:
theme_name color_scheme=scheme extensions=comma.js,separated.js,list.js
if a theme doesn't have color schemes then you can omit that completely like this:
theme_name extensions=comma.js,separated.js,list.js
same with the extensions:
theme_name color_scheme=scheme
For example:
Dribbblish color_scheme=Gruvbox extensions=dribbblish.js
The default options file is on ~/.config/spicetify/options.txt but you can change it with --options
This has been tested on linux only but should work on windows and mac as well.