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A log of my 100 Days of Code Challenge !!

Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode --> 7th AUG 2022

Started it lazy but got these done
✅ Revised basics and intermediate concepts of python
✅ Learnt a few commands on creating tables in MySql
✅ Learnt Chapter 1 from to revise my HTML for the last time 😩

Finally it's on 💪!

Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt exception handling and basics of oops in python
✅ Learnt Chapter 2 and 3 from and completed revising HTML. Just need to explore new elements while coding.

Was not feeling good so that's it for the day..More todo left😌

Day 3 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt Lambda expressions and comprehensions
✅ Learnt Chapter 4 and 5 from and got new perspective on links and images.

had a tiring and less productive day today 😥..

Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Did Higher order functions and closures in python ...I'm ded now 🥲
✅Learnt Chapter 6 and 7 from

✅ Started some basic oops in python

Started slow but got quiet some stuff done 💪

Day 5 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Explored PIP , File Handling and enumeration in python - (Amazing Stuff tbh)
✅Learnt Chapter 8 from

Had an exam today but tomorrow is gonna be dope 💪

Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Explore about packages and creating them in python
✅Finished Cat Photo App from Freecodecamp certification -

Day 7 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Checked out datetime module (a bit weird ) in python
✅Finished Café Menu and Color markers (2 projects) from Freecodecamp certification -

Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learnt Sorting and Nesting documents in MongoDB
✅Finished Registration form from Freecodecamp certification -

Day 9 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished Rothko painting from Freecodecamp certification
It's an abstract painting that was popular after WW2 painter by Mark Rothko. This particular idea was used to teach box model in CSS , Amazing Stuff -
Didn't do anything else!😩

Day 10 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished Flexbox Photo Gallery from Freecodecamp certification -
✅Started Tech with Tim's video on OOPs Using Python -

Replanned the schedule for the upcoming days - pacing yet to change.

Day 11 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished Nutrition Label (Typography) from Freecodecamp certification -

✅Read about List comprehensions and higher order functions in python. Slow kinda day 😩 #Python #html #css

Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Practiced a few programs on OOPS and higher order functions in python.

Nothing more because today was super busy will increase the pace tomorrow !

Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Exploring Bit manipulation in python.
✅ Finished the accessibility quiz project from Freecodecamp certification -

Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Practiced a few programs in python.
✅ Started TinDog Project from Angela Yu's course , will finish it soon !

Day 15 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Still diving into oops using python.
✅ Continued TinDog from Angela yu's course .

Late update but still going at it

Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started researching about DSA and dug out many resources.
✅ Explored a bit about cards in bootstrap (for TinDog).

Finally posted the up to date stuff.. it's gonna be planning day and sorting kinda day tomorrow.

Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Got a few things about DSA sorted ...didn't do much coding Today 🥲

Day 18 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished a SQL crash course to get an overview.
✅ Attempted a coding assessment by EY company.

Still researching about DSA and hence web development is on hold for now .

Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Practised a few SQL queries.
✅ Explored a few more amazing concepts of OOPS in python.

Finally done researching on DSA ...made a roadmap and gonna start it soon !

Day 20 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started making a database in MYSQL and practiced a few commands.
✅ Solved a few problems in codechef.

Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt a few MySQL functions and tried using them.
✅ Started revising C language (for college stuff) .
✅ Found out about pyperclip module in python gonna do a project on it maybe.

Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Covered Scope and namespaces , Higher Order functions and comprehensions in python.(Exciting Stuff and confusing too!!)
✅ Attempted a mock test for a company.
✅ Explored a few queries in MySQL.

Increasing the pace linearly.

Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learn about nonlocal scope and closures in python.
✅ Started a skillshare class on OOPS 😬

Struggling with oops but hope to get through it soon 👹

Day 24 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Practiced a few SQL queries
✅ Continuing the skillshare class on OOPS 😬

Today was super lazy but gotta keep going 💪

Day 25 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Practiced a few problems on Codechef.
✅ Continuing the skillshare class on OOPS (Going super slow)

It's weird how in just 5 days 1/5 of the journey turned into 1/4 ( Quarter of this is over already !).

Day 26 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Completed the OOPs class on skillshare .

✅ Practised on codechef.

Starting DSA tommorow 😵‍💫...Hope it's a good start .

Day 27 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Revising C and did it till strings (For college Stuff).
✅ Started DSA with Big O notation and slowly learning it .
✅ Attended a mock interviews and was asked questions on OOPS.

Slow day but got good ideas to move forward.

Day 28 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Revising C - Finished it till storage classes.
✅ Continuing Big - O notation video.
✅ Attended a HR mock interview.

Progressive overload is not only for gym but also the brain..!

Day 29 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Revising C - Finished it till pointers ..last day for this tommorow.

I didn't do anything else today ... A wasted day but let's continue.

Day 30 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Finished with C Revision 😩.
✅ Worked with a PDF module in python.
✅ Learnt about Decorators concept in python.

A bit tiring but alas good end to the lazy days...this whole month of progress made me realize I can do things. To huge days ahead.💪

Day 31 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started Css Extensive course
✅ Studies Basic JS from modernjsinfo

Still felt a bit lazy today need to review things.

Day 32 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about pseudo classes in CSS.
✅ Continuing Js and started a Tip calculator project.

Had a confusing session of study , well still need to keep going .

Day 33 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about combinators and specificity in css.
✅ Continuing Js and the project.

Had an overthinking kinda day and still in a different mood.

Day 34 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Did some basic js programs.

Wasn't feeling so good so a less done today kinda day.

Day 35 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Attempted Cognizant Exam.
✅ Learnt a few basic concepts in JS

Still carrying on with the lazy mood.

Day 36 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about specificity and class functions in CSS.
✅ Learnt a few basic concepts in JS (not much )

Tried having a rest day with minimal work , feels good let me see how it goes.

Day 37 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Attempted Accenture coding assesment.
✅ Finally finished tutorials and made note upto arrow functions in Javascript.

It is exciting to code Javascript, and i felt a bit motivated today so that's another progress 😌.

Day 38 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Made a TODO app using flask (yet to host it ) will share the link.
✅ Did a few programs using javascript and started some advanced concepts.

Feeling super good after doing the project,I learnt a lot and a day well spent.

Day 39 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Finished Accenture round 3.
✅ Did some hacckerank questions.

Had a slow day.

Day 40 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Did some hacckerank questions.

Kind of a rest day but still did something.

Day 41 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Finally cleared OOPS concepts in python and learnt recent stuff like walrus operator.
✅ Learnt about SQL joins and Keys .

Back on track and finally clearing concepts that I left before.

Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about ducktyping in python.
✅ Learnt about SQL ACID properties and ER model.

Decent day with new topics.

Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started Learning about WebScraping in Python
✅ Learnt about SQL joins.

Was out today so not much done.

Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started Learning about requests module for webscraping.
✅ Learnt about SQL keys.

Had a sprain and then a lotta rest 😩.

Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Worked with a location module in python.
✅ Started JS certification from freeCodeCamp.

Was brainstorming about things to do and spent the day watching Stranger Things aswell !

Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Worked with PokeApi and made a pokedex program using python.
✅ Worked with Starwars API aswell to experiment with API's.
✅ Continued the JS certification from freeCodeCamp.

Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started working on webscraping html pages.
✅ Did a hover gradient logo using CSS.

Was much of a lazy and rest day, nothing much done.

Day 48 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Attempted a company exam and failed.(reality check time).
✅Making decent progress in JS certification from freeCodeCamp.

Was a frustrating day.

Day 49 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Did some webscraping using Beautiful Soup.
✅Making decent progress in JS certification from freeCodeCamp.
✅ Got some Udemy Courses for the upcoming days.

One more day away from half of the journey , excited and worried about the next half.

Day 50 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Scraped a Job website and created files for jobs.
✅Started Leetcode (Concatenation of Array) and started learning DSA Seriously.

Half the journey and much left for the next half...onto the second half!!!

Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started learning video editing and also did Iterators and generators in Python.
✅Leetcode -> 2 - Plus One (Solved)

2nd Half going good , hope to learn a lot more things.

Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learnt about default values in MySQL.
✅Solved Leetcode -> 3 - Two Sum

Got my sem result and that spoilt the mood.

Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started Watching an Advanced JS tutorial.
✅Solved Leetcode ->4 - Contains Duplicate.

Day 54 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started Kivy Framework in python for GUI and App Dev.
✅Learnt about Currying and Prototype in JavaScript.
✅Solved Leetcode -> 5 - Valid Anagram

Intrigued about working with different frameworks in python and loving JavaScript.

Day 55 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learnt both searching algorithms using python.
✅Learnt about Classes and constructors in js.
✅Tried a leetcode problem but failed.

Day 56 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started Async js - callbacks , setinterval and timeouts.
✅Solved a leetcode problem add 2 integers.

Travelling today so no more work.
Had a restless day 😩.

Day 57 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Refreshed my GitHub knowledge from @kunalstwt yt video (OP🔥)
✅ Did my first pull request today and it got merged!!

Super happy about finally contributing for @hacktoberfest

Day 58 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started JS DOM course from @freeCodeCamp learnt it till creating dynamic elements on a webpage.
✅ Did a few more pull requests and most of them were merged !

Slow but tiny progress during the vacation.

Day 59 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Continued JS DOM course and learnt creating id's and classes using JS.
✅ Started OpenCV course from @freeCodeCamp with @CodeWithKai .
✅ Got my first @hacktoberfest PR accepted.!

Back after a 3 day vacation but with a big bang!

Day 60 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Continued JS DOM course a bit.
✅ Solved a leetcode question - Happy Number.
✅ Did some prs based on web dev .

Had my exam today and was busy after that so not much learning.

Day 61 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished a C++ Crash Course (Sudden decision)
✅Started to clone a website .

Realized my CSS is bad , need to practice.

Day 62 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continued Open CV course from @freeCodeCamp
✅Failed cloning the website and hence started practicing css.
Frustrated with the results and hence investing time to plan the rest of the year , hopefully a 'final' plan.

Day 63 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished a react crash course
✅Made a project using react - Boxflix (A movie searching site)

Felt good after a few days , happy with today's progress !

Day 64 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Made a chrome extension based on covid using @Rapid_API (a very basic one )
✅Learnt a few functions from Open Cv

Need to start making notes I'm really dumping stuff into my mind 😬

Day 65 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Made a QR code project using Python
✅Started learning about numpy library.

To hell with all the college work , 1 more day to complete reviews and focus mode on 🥴.

Day 66 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished the numpy course and learnt a lot about the library !
✅Started a mini project (Gambling game) using python.

Got my project review done and then got home totally drenched - so fever time 🥴

Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Made a Bitcoin Miner using python and learnt about SHA.
✅About to finish OpenCV course.
✅Completed a primer on primary keys in MYSQL.

Had a really slow and lazy day. Still trying to recover from a weirdly bad headache.

Day 68 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished a crash course on TypeScript (Love it !!!)
✅Made a Discord Bot using python - planning a mini website for it soon 😁

Learnt a lot of things today , TS is so fun and Bots are exciting to make !! Need to do more projects💪

Day 69 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished Open CV course by @freeCodeCamp !!
✅ Installed raspberry OS
✅ Learnt about a few AI terms today .

Had a headache after college and was in weird mood but still made some progress after a busy festival time.

Day 70 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Resumed 100 days of code course by Angela Yu
✅Practiced Numpy.
✅ Explored Raspbian OS

Just trying to find a cure for procrastination atm.

Day 71 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started Computer Networks course by @kunalstwt
✅Built a google landing page clone
✅Automated my other twitter account using Tweepy.

Reduced my screentime today and thought about the mistakes i made so far. Well time to put in the work.

Day 72 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Worked on my twitter bot.
✅Solved some code chef problems.

Posted after a long break ... Damn need to push through the procrastination 😩!

Day 73 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Completed Git and GitHub course by @kunalstwt and loved it !
✅Explored @getpostman

Had a calm day 🫡

Day 74 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started Docker Course by @kunalstwt!
✅Learnt about Big - O notation

Day 75 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learnt and programmed my first linked list lmao!
✅Solved some basic array problems .
✅Got my @GitKraken and @hackerrank (Python) Certifications done today👇!! Super happy about these😩.

Onto the last quarter of my journey ... Feeling good😌

Day 76 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Started learning Django and started a project with it.
✅Learnt about virtualenv and packaging managers in python.

I wanted to do more but.... well moving on 🥹

Day 77 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continuing learning Django - Worked on models and migration today.
✅Participated in Codechef Challenge.

Didn't feel like doing anything (bad health) but tried to finish something !

Day 78 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Finished a basic django project and understood the basic stuff.!
✅Started Designing my portfolio.

Feeling a bit better , still feeling a bit off and weird .. but yeah time to grind as always 😌

Day 79 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continued with Colt Steele's MySQL course and worked on a basic dataset.
✅Learnt about Images and Docker files from @kunalstwt 's Docker Course.

Finally understood that taking small steps help rather than planning a truckload of things on one day !

Day 80 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continued with Colt Steele's MySQL course and worked on a CRUD operations .
✅Worked a bit on a flask project.

Lost my 100 day GitHub streak because GitHub apparently considers only main branch commits 🥲..well time to start another.

Day 81 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continued with Colt Steele's MySQL course and worked on string functions.
✅Completed docker course by @kunalstwt.

Just trying to make progress amidst many ongoing things.

Day 82 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Continued with Colt Steele's MySQL course and worked on aggregate functions.
✅ Started a react + Agora project .

Improving a resume is really hard .. and well having no internship is a big minus 🥲.

Day 83 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Dumped the react project and worked on a few JS topics
✅ Created a discord server for collaborating and to participate in hackathons ! (Cause i connected with a lot of amazing people !)

Recovered from really bad health need to bounce back !

Day 84 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Resumed Odin project after long 🥲
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course

Days filled with too many things... Need to finish my remaining days soon !

Day 85 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Got back to positioning in CSS!
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course

Finally getting my mind back from a long slump .. 🥴

Day 86 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Connected MySQL with python and trying out queries !
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course .

Need to get my SQL game up 🫡

Day 87 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored the basics of cloud computing ☁️
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course .
✅ Tried some operations on Linkedlist .

Started cloud computing for my sem exams,finally a good topic on the curriculum!

Day 88 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored AWS Infrastructure
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course .
✅ Did some basic Math related DSA questions

Trying is one of the main things to strive for!

Day 89 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored AWS DynamoDb
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course .
✅ Did the codechef contest

Weird mood today .. idk why 🫡

Day 90 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored AWS EC2 and S3 concepts
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.
✅ Revising Css via @jonasschmedtman's course .

Onto the last 10 day track now ... 🫡

Day 91 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored AWS EC2 more
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.
✅ Researching on API's

These exams are slowing down my progress...9 more days !

Day 92 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about SasS and PasS
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.
✅ Learning about Web socket API's.

Need to wrap this up before 2022 irrespective of exams !

Day 93 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Learnt about IaaS
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.
✅ Learning about REST API's

The last week left right now ! Less goo 🫡

Day 94 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Experimented with a few APIs
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Doing less things due to exams 😶

Day 95 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Started exploring cloud deployment models
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Distractions are a curse 😩

Day 96 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored about http vs https
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Slowing down rn 😴

Day 97 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored about network layers
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Managing time is really hard 🫡

Day 98 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored about status codes and tried generating a few using python requests module
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Ahh it's been a long long ride .. so many things explored .. 2 days to end it all 🫠

Day 99 of #100DaysOfCode

✅ Explored about virtualization
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Finally one more day 🫡

Day 100 of #100DaysOfCode -> 31st Dec 2022

✅ Revised oops concepts from python and made a pong game .
✅ Completed a section from colt steel's MySQL course.

Done with the challenge 🥹..Thank you all for your support and advice!
Will be posting a big thread and a blog later on 🫡