Some simple commands I use to help me develop. Best taken with
.INI - Command-line INI editor for simple, programmable edits to INI or INI style config files.
.EVERY - Job scheduler. Manages named jobs and will set NextRex 0x7F if the schedule is due.
.UNTAR - POSIX compliant ESXDOS version of UNTAR, super easy to embed in other apps.
.CH8SHOW - View 768b/1k 1bit font files in ROM/UDG format inspired by Damien Guard's zx-origins project.
.INKEY - View keycodes as returned for keys & combos from z88dk built for lazy developers who need a handy guide.
.LESS - Less is not more. A plain text pager with extra features, a compliment, not replacement, for MORE - thanks Marco.
- V 0.1.0 First stable public, with INI
- V 0.2.0 Second stable public, with EVERY
- V 0.3.0 Third stable public, with UNTAR
- V 0.4.0 Fourth stable public, with CH8SHOW
- V 0.4.2 Minor stable public, with INKEY
- V 0.5.0 Fifth stable public, with LESS