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The existed blockchain-related academic papers. All papers are sorted according the conference and publihed year.

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Academic Blockchain Papers

A curated blockchain-related academic papers. All papers are sorted based on the conference name and published year. Welcome developers or researchers to add more published paper to this list.

Table of Listed Conferences

Key Words: System Design, Consensus(Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-X, BFT), Off-chain Design(Payment Networks, Sidechain), Crosschain, P2P Network, Privacy Issue, Security, Economics, Smart Contracts, Applications, Cryptograph.


[Consensus-PoS] The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol with Chains of Variable Difficulty. Juan A. Garay and Aggelos Kiayias and Nikos Leonardos. Crypto '17.

[Consensus-PoS] Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake protocol. Bernardo D, Gazi P, Kiayias A, Russell A. Crypto '17.


[System Design] Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains. Elli Androulaki, Artem Barger, Vita Bortnikov, Christian Cachin, Konstantinos Christidis, Angelo De Caro, David Enyeart, Christopher Ferris, Gennady Laventman, Yacov Manevich, Srinivasan Muralidharan, Chet Murthy, Binh Nguyen, Manish Sethi, Gari Singh, Keith Smith, Alessandro Sorniotti, Chrysoula Stathakopoulou, Marko Vukolić, Sharon Weed Cocco, Jason Yellick. EuroSys'18


[Consensus-PoW] The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. Garay J, Kiayias A, Leonardos N. EUROCRYPT '15.

[Consensus-PoW] Analysis of the Blockchain Protocol in Asynchronous Networks. Pass R, Seeman L, abhi shelat. EUROCRYPT '17

[Cpnsensus]Thunderella: Blockchains with Optimistic Instant Confirmation. Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi. EUROCRYPT '18.

[Cpnsensus-PoS]Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake blockchain. Bernardo David, Peter Gaži, Aggelos Kiayias, Alexander Russell. EUROCRYPT '18.

[Consensus]Consensus through Herding. T-H. Hubert Chan Rafael Pass Elaine Shi. EUROCRYPT '19.

[PoS]Proof-of-Stake Protocols for Privacy-Aware Blockchains. Chaya Ganesh Claudio Orlandi Daniel Tschudi. EUROCRYPT '19.

[Payment Channel]Multi-Party Virtual State Channels. Stefan Dziembowski Lisa Eckey Sebastian Faust Julia Hesse Kristina Hostáková. EUROCRYPT '19.

[System Design]Aggregate Cash Systems: A Cryptographic Investigation of Mimblewimble. Georg Fuchsbauer Michele Orrù Yannick Seurin. EUROCRYPT '19.

IEEE Security and Privacy(S&P)

[Privacy] Zerocoin: Anonymous distributed e-cash from bitcoin. Miers I, Garman C, Green M, Rubin AD. S&P '13.

[Consensus-PoW] Permacoin: Repurposing bitcoin work for data preservation. Miller A, Juels A, Shi E, Parno B, Katz J. Permacoin. S&P '14.

[Privacy] Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous payments from bitcoin. Sasson EB, Chiesa A, Garman C, Green M, Miers I, Tromer E, Virza M. S&P '14.

[Consensus-PoW-Mining]The Miner's Dilemma. Ittay Eyal. S&P '15

[General] SoK: Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. Bonneau J, Miller A, Clark J, Narayanan A, Kroll JA, Felten EW. S&P '15

[Privacy] Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts. Kosba A, Miller A, Shi E, Wen Z, Papamanthou C. S&P '16

[System] OmniLedger: A Secure, Scale-Out, Decentralized Ledger via Sharding. E. Kokoris-Kogias and P. Jovanovic and L. Gasser and N. Gailly and E. Syta and B. Ford. S&P '18

[Sidechain]Proof-of-Stake Sidechains. Peter Gaži, Aggelos Kiayias, Dionysis Zindros. IEEE S&P '19.

[Payment Networks] Perun: Virtual payment hubs over cryptocurrencies Dziembowski S, Eckey L, Faust S, Malinowski D. IEEE S&P '19.

[Consensus-PoW] Lay Down the Common Metrics: Evaluating Proof-of-Work Consensus Protocols’ Security Ren Zhang, Bart Preneel. IEEE S&P '19.

[Consensus]Redactable Blockchain in the Permissionless Setting. Dominic Deuber, Bernardo Magri, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan. IEEE S&P '19.

[Consensus-Privacy]Ouroboros Crypsinous: Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Stake. Thomas Kerber and Markulf Kohlweiss and Aggelos Kiayias and Vassilis Zikas. IEEE S&P '19.

[Scalaility]XCLAIM: Decentralized, Interoperable, Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets. Alexei Zamyatin, Dominik Harz, Joshua Lind, Panayiotis Panayiotou, Arthur Gervais, William J. Knottenbelt. IEEE S&P '19.

[Consensus-PoW]OHIE: Blockchain Scaling Made Simple. Haifeng Yu, Ivica Nikolic, Ruomu Hou, and Prateek Saxena. IEEE S&P '20.

[Smart Contract]VerX: Safety Verification of Smart Contracts. Anton Permenev, Dimitar Dimitrov, Petar Tsankov, Dana Drachsler-Cohen, Martin Vechev. IEEE S&P '20.

[Smart Contract]VeriSmart: A Highly Precise Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts. Sunbeom So, Myungho Lee, Jisu Park, Heejo Lee, Hakjoo Oh. IEEE S&P '20.

[Consensus]Sync HotStuff: Simple and Practical Synchronous State Machine Replication. Ittai Abraham, Dahlia Malkhi, Kartik Nayak, Ling Ren, Maofan Yin. IEEE S&P '20.

[Application]Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning in Decentralized Exchanges, Miner Extractable Value, and Consensus Instability. Philip Daian, Steven Goldfeder, Tyler Kell, Yunqi Li, Xueyuan Zhao, Iddo Bentov, Lorenz Breidenbach, Ari Juels. IEEE S&P '20.

[Application]FlyClient: Super-Light Clients for Cryptocurrencies. Benedikt Bünz, Lucianna Kiffer, Loi Luu, Mahdi Zamani. IEEE S&P '20.

USENIX Security

[Network] Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin's Peer-to-Peer Network. Heilman E, Kendler A, Zohar A, Goldberg S. USENIX '15 Security Symposium.

[Consensus] Enhancing Bitcoin Security and Performance with Strong Consistency via Collective Signing. Kogias EK, Jovanovic P, Gailly N, Khoffi I, Gasser L, Ford B. USENIX '16 Security Symposium.

[Mining]SmartPool: Practical Decentralized Pooled Mining. Loi Luu, Yaron Velner, Jason Teutsch, TrueBit Foundation; Prateek Saxena.USENIX '17 Security Symposium.

[Mining]REM: Resource-Efficient Mining for Blockchains. Fan Zhang and Ittay Eyal and Robert Escriva and Ari Juels and Robbert van Renesse. USENIX '17 Security Symposium.

[Smart contract]teEther: Gnawing at Ethereum to Automatically Exploit Smart Contracts.Johannes Krupp and Christian Rossow. USENIX '18 Security Symposium.

[Anonymity Privacy]An Empirical Analysis of Anonymity in Zcash. George Kappos, Haaroon Yousaf, Mary Maller, and Sarah Meiklejohn. USENIX '18 Security Symposium.

[Smart contract]Arbitrum: Scalable, private smart contracts. Harry Kalodner, Steven Goldfeder, Xiaoqi Chen, S. Matthew Weinberg, and Edward W. Felten. USENIX '18 Security Symposium.

[Smart contract]FastKitten: Practical Smart Contracts on Bitcoin. Poulami Das, Lisa Eckey, Tommaso Frassetto, David Gens, Kristina Hostáková, Patrick Jauernig, Sebastian Faust, and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. USENIX '18 Security Symposium.

[Transaction Analysis]Tracing Transactions Across Cryptocurrency Ledgers. Haaroon Yousaf, George Kappos, and Sarah Meiklejohn. USENIX '19 Security Symposium.

[Consensus]StrongChain: Transparent and Collaborative Proof-of-Work Consensus. Pawel Szalachowski, Daniël Reijsbergen, and Ivan Homoliak, Siwei Sun. USENIX '19 Security Symposium.

[Privacy]BITE: Bitcoin Lightweight Client Privacy using Trusted Execution. Sinisa Matetic, Karl Wüst, Moritz Schneider, and Kari Kostiainen, Ghassan Karame, Srdjan Capkun. USENIX '19 Security Symposium.

[Smart Contract]FastKitten: Practical Smart Contracts on Bitcoin. Poulami Das, Lisa Eckey, Tommaso Frassetto, David Gens, Kristina Hostáková, Patrick Jauernig, Sebastian Faust, and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. USENIX '19 Security Symposium.

Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS)

[Economic-Smart Contracts] "Zeus": Analyzing Safety of Smart Contracts. Kalra S, Goel S, Dhawan M, Sharma S. NDSS '18.

[System Design]Chainspace: A Sharded Smart Contracts Platform. Mustafa Al-Bassam, Alberto Sonnino, Shehar Bano, Dave Hrycyszyn, and George Danezis. NDSS '18.

[off-chain]Settling Payments Fast and Private: Efficient Decentralized Routing for Path-Based Transactions. Stefanie Roos, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Aniket Kate, and Ian Goldberg. NDSS '18.

[Network]SABRE: Protecting Bitcoin against Routing Attacks. Maria Apostolaki, Gian Marti, Jan Müller, and Laurent Vanbever. NDSS '19.

[Smart Contract]Seth: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks. Michael Rodler, Wenting Li and Ghassan Karame, Lucas Davi. NDSS '19.

[Smart Contract]YODA: Enabling computationally intensive contracts on blockchains with Byzantine and Selfish nodes. Sourav Das, Vinay Joseph Ribeiro, and Abhijeet Anand. NDSS '19.

[Cryptograph]Fine-Grained and Controlled Rewriting in Blockchains: Chameleon-Hashing Gone Attribute-Based. David Derler, Kai Samelin, Daniel Slamanig and Christoph Striecks. NDSS '19.

[off-Chain]Privacy-preserving Multi-hop Locks for Blockchain Scalability and Interoperability. Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno Sanchez, Clara Schneidewind and Matteo Maffei, Aniket Kate. NDSS '19.

[Consensus-PoW]Bobtail: Improved Blockchain Security with Low-Variance Mining. George Bissias and Brian N. Levine. NDSS '20.

[Consensus-PoS]The Attack of the Clones Against Proof-of-Authority. Parinya Ekparinya, Vincent Gramoli,Guillaume Jourjon. NDSS '20.

[Layer2]Snappy: Fast On-chain Payments with Practical Collaterals Vasilios Mavroudis,Karl Wüst, Aritra Dhar, Kari Kostiainen, and Srdjan Capkun. NDSS '20.

[Smart Contract]Broken Metre: Attacking Resource Metering in EVM. Daniel Perez, and Benjamin Livshits. NDSS '20.

ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)

[Consensus] Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies. Yossi Gilad, Rotem Hemo, Silvio Micali, Georgios Vlachos, Nickolai Zeldovich. SOSP'17

[Payment Networks] Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Blockchain Access. Joshua Lind, Oded Naor, Ittay Eyal, Florian Kelbert, Peter Pietzuch, Emin Gun Sirer. SOSP'19

[Consensus]Fast and Secure Global Payments with Stellar. Marta Lokhava, Giuliano Losa, David Mazières, Graydon Hoare, Nicolas Barry, Eliezer Gafni, Jonathan Jove, Rafał Malinowski, Jed McCaleb. SOSP'19

[Consensus]Notary: A Device for Secure Transaction Approval. Anish Athalye, Adam Belay, Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, Nickolai Zeldovich. SOSP'19

International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB)

[Storage]ForkBase: An Efficient Storage Engine for Blockchain and Forkable Applications. Sheng Wang, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Qian Lin, Zhongle Xie, Meihui Zhang, Qingchao Cai, Gang Chen, Beng Chin Ooi, Pingcheng Rua. VLDB'18.

[Privacy]A Demonstration of Sterling: A Privacy-Preserving Data Marketplace. Nick Hynes1, David Dao, David Yan, Raymond Cheng, Dawn Song. VLDB'19.

[Application]CAPER: A Cross-Application Permissioned Blockchain. Mohammad Javad Amiri, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi. VLDB'19.

[Application]BlockchainDB - A Shared Database on Blockchains. Muhammad El-Hindi, Carsten Binnig, Arvind Arasu, Donald Kossmann, Ravi Ramamurthy. VLDB'19.

[Provenance]Fine-Grained, Secure and Efficient Data Provenance on Blockchain Systems. Pingcheng Ruan, Gang Chen, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Qian Lin, Beng Chin Ooi, Meihui Zhang. VLDB'19.

[Application]Blockchain Meets Database: Design and Implementation of a Blockchain Relational Database. Senthil Nathan, Chander Govindarajan, Adarsh Saraf, Manish Sethi, and Praveen Jayachandran. VLDB'19.

ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)

[Consensus-PoW] FruitChains: A Fair Blockchain.Rafael Pass, Elaine Shi. PODC'17

[Sidechain] Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps. Maurice Herlihy. PODC'18

[Consessus] Brief Announcement: Sustainable Blockchains through Proof of eXercise. Ali Shoker. PODC'18

[Consensus]The Consensus Number of a Cryptocurrency. R. Guerraoui, P. Kuznetsov, M. Monti, M. Pavlovic, D. Seredinschi. PODC'19

[Consensus-BFT]Communication Complexity of Byzantine Agreement, Revisited. I. Abraham, T. Chan, D. Dolev, K. Nayak, R. Pass, L. Ren, E. Shi. PODC'19

[Consensus-BFT]Exact Byzantine Consensus on Undirected Graphs under Local Broadcast Model. M. Khan, S. Naqvi, N. Vaidya. PODC'19

[Consensus-BFT]Asymptotically Optimal Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement. I. Abraham, D. Malkhi, A. Spiegelman. PODC'19

[Consensus-BFT]HotStuff: BFT Consensus with Linearity and Responsiveness. M. Yin, I. Abraham, G. Gueta, D. Malkhi, M. Reiter. PODC'19

ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)

[Consensus-PoW-Mining]Double-Spending Fast Payments in Bitcoin. Karame, Ghassan O. and Androulaki, Elli and Capkun, Srdjan. CCS '12.

[Privacy] Deanonymisation of Clients in Bitcoin P2P Network. Biryukov A, Khovratovich D, Pustogarov I. CCS '14.

[Privacy] Provisions: Privacy-preserving proofs of solvency for Bitcoin exchanges. Dagher GG, Bünz B, Bonneau J, Clark J, Boneh D. CCS '15

[Economic]Demystifying incentives in the consensus computer. Loi Luu, Jason Teutsch, Raghav Kulkarni and Prateek Saxena. CCS '15

[PoW-Network]Tampering with the Delivery of Blocks and Transactions in Bitcoin.Gervais, Arthur and Ritzdorf, Hubert and Karame, Ghassan O. and Capkun, Srdjan. CCS '15

[Consensus-PoW-Mining]Non-outsourceable Scratch-Off Puzzles to Discourage Bitcoin Mining Coalitions. Andrew Miller, Elaine Shi, Ahmed Kosba, and Jonathan Katz. CCS '15

[System] The Honey Badger of BFT Protocols. Miller A, Xia Y, Croman K, Shi E, Song D. CCS '16.

[Smart Contracts] Making Smart Contracts Smarter. Luu L, Chu DH, Olickel H, Saxena P, Hobor A. CCS '16.

[Economic] On the instability of Bitcoin without the block reward. Carlsten M, Kalodner H, Weinberg SM, Narayanan A. CCS '16.

[Smart Contracts] Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts. Zhang F, Cecchetti E, Croman K, Juels A, Shi E. CCS '16.

[Privacy]On the Security and Performance of Proof of Work Blockchains. Gervais A, Karame GO, Karl Wüst, Glykantzis V, Ritzdorf H, Capkun S. CCS '16.

[System]A Secure Sharding Protocol For Open Blockchains. Loi Luu, Viswesh Narayanan, Chaodong Zheng, Kunal Baweja, Seth Gilbert, Prateek Saxena. CCS '16.

[Payment Networks] Revive: Rebalancing Off-Blockchain Payment Networks. Khalil, R., & Gervais, A. CCS '17.

[Economic]The Gap Game. Itay Tsabary, Ittay Eyal. CCS '18.

[Payment Networks] General State Channel Networks Dziembowski S, Faust S, Hostáková K. CCS '18.

[System Design] FairSwap: How to fairly exchange digital goods Dziembowski S, Faust S, Eckey L. CCS '18.

[System] RapidChain: Scaling Blockchain via Full Sharding. Mahdi Zamani, Mahnush Movahedi, Mariana Raykova. CCS '18.

[Consensus]BEAT: Asynchronous BFT Made Practical. Sisi Duan, Michael K. Reiter, Haibin Zhang. CCS '18.

[Consensus Applcation]Efficient Publicly Verifiable 2PC over a Blockchain with Applications to Financially-Secure Computations. Ruiyu Zhu, Changchang Ding, Yan Huang. CCS '19.

[Network]Erlay: Efficient Transaction Relay for Bitcoin. Gleb Naumenko, Gregory Maxwell, Pieter Wuille, Alexandra (Sasha) Fedorova, Ivan Beschastnikh. CCS '19.

[Sidechain]HyperService: Interoperability and Programmability across Heterogeneous Blockchains. Zhuotao Liu, Yangxi Xiang,Jian Shi, Peng Gao, Haoyu Wang, Xusheng Xiao, Bihan Wen, Yih-Chun Hu. CCS '19.

[Cryptography]MatRiCT: Efficient, Scalable and Post-Quantum Blockchain Confidential Transactions Protocol. Muhammed F. Esgin, Raymond K. Zhao, Ron Steinfeld, Joseph K. Liu, Dongxi Liu. CCS '19.

[Payment]Omniring: Scaling Up Private Payments Without Trusted Setup — Formal Foundations and a Construction of Ring Confidential Transactions with Log-size Proofs. Russell W. F. Lai, Viktoria Ronge, Tim Ruffing, Dominique Schröder, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan, Jiafan Wang. CCS '19.

[Consensus]Prism: Deconstructing the Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits. Vivek Bagaria, Sreeram Kannan, David Tse, Giulia Fanti, Pramod Viswanath. CCS '19.

[Smart contract]Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts. Jingxuan He, Mislav Balunovic, Nodar Ambroladze, Petar Tsankov, Martin Vechev. CCS '19.

[Ledger]SAMPL: Scalable Auditability of Monitoring Processes using Public Ledgers. Roopa Vishwanathan, Gaurav Panwar, Satyajayant Misra, Austin Bos. CCS '19.

[Payment Networks]Atomic Multi-Channel Updates with Constant Collateral in Payment-Channel Networks. Christoph Egger, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Matteo Maffei. CCS '19.

ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD)

[Database]Blurring the Lines between Blockchains and Database Systems: the Case of Hyperledger Fabric. Ankur Sharma, Felix Martin Schuhknecht, Divya Agrawal, Jens Dittrich. SIGMOD '19.

[Database]vChain: Enabling Verifiable Boolean Range Queries over Blockchain Databases.Cheng Xu, Ce Zhang, Jianliang Xu. SIGMOD '19.

IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM)

[Network]Stochastic Models and Wide-Area Network Measurements for Blockchain Design and Analysis. Nikolaos Papadis, Sem Borst, Anwar Walid, Mohamed Grissa, Leandros Tassiulas. INFOCOM'18

[Transaction]Understanding ethereum via graph analysis. Ting Chen,Yuxiao Zhu, Zihao Li, Jiachi Chen, Xiaoqi Li, Xiapu Luo, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaodong Lin. INFOCOM'18

[Security]Corking by Forking: Vulnerability Analysis of Blockchain. Shengling Wang and Chenyu Wang, Qin Hu. INFOCOM'19

[Scalability]ACCEL: Accelerating the Bitcoin Blockchain for High-throughput, Low-latency Applications. Adiseshu Hari, Murali Kodialam, T. V Lakshman. INFOCOM'19

[Application]A Blockchain based Witness Model for Trustworthy Cloud Service Level Agreement Enforcement. Huan Zhou, Xue Ouyang, Zhijie Ren, Jinshu Su, Cees de Laat and Zhiming Zhao. INFOCOM'19

[Network]Modeling the Impact of Network Connectivity on Consensus Security of Proof-of-Work Blockchain. Yang Xiao, Ning Zhang, Wenjing Lou and Thomas Hou. INFOCOM'20

[Off-chain]Secure Balance Planning of Off-blockchain Payment Channel Networks. Peng Li and Toshiaki Miyazaki, Wanlei Zhou. INFOCOM'20.

IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)

[Application] Transform Blockchain into Distributed Parallel Computing Architecture for Precision Medicine.Zonyin Shae, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai. ICDCS'18

[PoW]Selfish Mining in Ethereum Jianyu Niu and Chen Feng. ICDCS'19

[Consensus]Trust Mends Blockchains: Living up to Expectations. Leila Bahri and Sarunas Girdzijauskas. ICDCS'19

[Application]Hierarchical Edge-Cloud Computing for Mobile Blockchain Mining Game. Suhan Jiang, Xinyi Li and Jie Wu. ICDCS'19

[Scalability]OptChain: Optimal Transactions Placement for Scalable Blockchain Sharding. Lan Nguyen, Truc Nguyen, Thang Dinh and My Thai. ICDCS'19

[Consensus]Jidar: A Jigsaw-like Data Reduction Approach without Trust Assumptions for Bitcoin System. Xiaohai Dai, Jiang Xiao, Wenhui Yang, Chaofan Wang and Hai Jin. ICDCS'19

[Scalability]ParBlockchain: Leveraging Transaction Parallelism in Permissioned Blockchain Systems. Mohammad Javad Amiri, Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi. ICDCS'19

[Application]Optimal Admission Control For Secondary Users using Blockchain Technology In Cognitive Radio Networks. Wenlong Ni, Yuhong Zhang and Wei Li. ICDCS'19

[Application]Resource Allocation and Consensus on Edge Blockchain in Pervasive Edge Computing Environments. Yaodong Huang, Jiarui Zhang, Jun Duan, Bin Xiao, Fan Ye and Yuanyuan Yang. ICDCS'19

[Application]Xyreum: A High-Performance and Scalable Blockchain for IIoT Security and Privacy. Abubakar Sadiq Sani, Dong Yuan, Wei Bao, Phee Lep Yeoh, Zhaoyang Dong, Branka Vucetic and Elisa Bertino. ICDCS'19

USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)

[Consensus-PoW] Bitcoin-NG: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol. Eyal I, Gencer AE, Sirer EG, Van Renesse R. NSDI ’16

[System]Monoxide: Scale Out Blockchain with Asynchronized Consensus Zones. Jiaping Wang, Hao Wang. NSDI'19

ACM Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT)

[Consensus-PoW] On the Necessity of a Prescribed Block Validity Consensus: Analyzing Bitcoin Unlimited Mining Protocol. Ren Zhang, Bart Preneel. CoNEXT '17

[Consensus]Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation using Advanced Blackholing(.Christoph Dietzel, Matthias Wichtlhuber, Georgios Smaragdakis, Anja Feldmann. CoNEXT '18

[Mining]Mining the Web with Webcoin. Uri Klarman, Marcel Flores, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic. CoNEXT '18

[Application]Blockchain-based Real-time Cheat Prevention and Robustness for Multi-player Online Game. Sukrit Kalra, Rishabh Sanghi, Mohan Dhawan. CoNEXT '18

[Layer2]Flash: E!icient Dynamic Routing for O!chain Networks. Peng Wang, Hong Xu, Xin Jin, Tao Wang. CoNEXT '19

Financial Cryptography (FC)

[Economic-PoW] Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable. Eyal I, Sirer EG. FC '14.

[Consensus-PoW] Secure High-Rate Transaction Processing in Bitcoin. Sompolinsky Y, Zohar A. FC '15.

[ChainStructure]Inclusive Block Chain Protocols. Yoad Lewenberg, Yonatan Sompolinsky, Aviv Zohar. FC '15.

[Consensus] Cryptocurrencies without Proof of Work. Bentov I, Gabizon A, Mizrahi A. FC '16.

[Economic-PoW] Optimal Selfish Mining Strategies in Bitcoin. Sapirshtein A, Sompolinsky Y, Zohar A. FC '16.

[Consensus-PoS] A Proof-of-Stake protocol for consensus on Bitcoin subchains. Bartoletti M, Lande S, & Podda A S. FC '17.

[FC Accepted Paper Link:] FC'15, FC'16, FC'17, FC'18, FC'19. FC'20.



This list is released into the public domain.


The existed blockchain-related academic papers. All papers are sorted according the conference and publihed year.






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