This is a web crawler program for grasping the listed company public reports from the official website HKEX News. User can select the type of report and period what they like just modifying few codes. The breakpoint redownloading program will be released later. If you have any question, pls feel free to contact me. 此文件为一个爬虫程式,可爬取香港交易所子网站(披露易)中所发布的上市公司公告。断点重下载程式将在稍后发布。如有任何疑问,欢迎随时与我交流。 Default: Report Type: Profit Warning Period: 2008.01.01-2008.12.31 Framework: Selenium Python: Python 3.6.8 Browser: Chrome
Notes: HKEX 为香港交易所
Developer: Samuel Li