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code_swarm is an experiment in organic software visualization.

See for a picture of what we want
to produce.

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Google Group/Mailing List: 

I) How to build Java code_swarm in different environments.

Please visit for more 
detailed and up-to-date information.

This quick guide explains how to setup your development environment to build
the binary (ie. jar) version of code_swarm from Java sources.
Explanations require at least an understanding of computing and of your
Operating System, even if no Java skills are needed.

I.1) Setup
You will need the "Ant" software building tool, and Sun's Java Development Kit,
version 1.5 or later (OpenJDK may work but is untested).

I.1.a) Linux
This guide is written with a Debian based Linux, Ubuntu 8.04. It requires
some minor adaptation to use on other distribution (other packaging systems).

 * install ant with the following command (or with your favorite graphical 
   package manager):
     sudo apt-get install ant 

 * install sun-java-jdk 1.5 or 1.6 following your distribution recommendation 
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk 

 * configure the Java SDK to specify the new installation path, for instance 
   on Ubuntu: 
     sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun 


I.1.b) Windows
 * download ant for all platforms at

 * unpack it where you want it to be installed, and add the location of
   its binaries to the the "PATH" environment variable. For instance,
   add at the end : "C:\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin;"

 * download Sun Java SDK at

 * install it and add the "javac" Java compiler to the PATH : 
   "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin;" 

 * then create a new environment variable called JAVA_HOME and set its path to 
   something like "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.X", where X is the specific
   version number.

I.2) Getting the sources

code_swarm sources are under a Google Code Subversion repository (svn) :

See the Subversion homepage on for all appropriate tools 
and documents. I would recommend "TortoiseSVN" for Windows users. 
Unix-like users should get their native "Subversion" package.

See for further instructions on
how to browse and checkout the sources.

I.3) Building the sources

Quick build :
 * Open a terminal/command line shell, change directory to the root of
   the code_swarm source folder.

 * Compile the sources by typing "ant".

Other commands :
 * "ant all" will also generate the Javadoc HTML sources documentation
 * "ant clean" will delete all intermediate and binary files 

I.4) Running code_swarm

These instructions are meant to be generic to cover most popular version
control systems.
Please visit for more 
detailed and up-to-date information.

 * Obtain the log from your software version control system.
   Save it as a text file.

 * Convert your log file to the code_swarm XML data format:
     Change directory to "convert_logs."
     Generally, the syntax is:
 -Y input_log.txt -o output.xml

     where -Y is a flag for your particular version control system.
     Type " --help" for details.

 * Create your own configuration by copying "data/sample.config" and editing 
   it to your preferences.

 * To launch code_swarm, type "run.bat" in Windows or "" in Unix.
   You will be prompted for the config file from the previous step.

 * If you have specified TakeSnapshots=true in the config, saved images
   will be in the "frames" directory.


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