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BioReactor Fuel Values

MrPurple6411 edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

How does the game BioReactor Fuel Values?

There is a dictionary in BaseBioReactor called charge, where the Key is a TechType and the value is a float.

How can I change an item's fuel value?

To edit an item's fuel value, you need to call the BioReactorHandler.SetBioReactorCharge() method sitting in the SMLHelper.V2.Handlers namespace


There is only one overload for this method:

BioReactorHandler.SetBioReactorCharge([TechType] techType, [float] charge);


  • [TechType] techType is the item that you want to modify the harvest type for. This can be both an existing or a custom item.

Example: TechType.Titanium

  • [float] charge is the charge to set for the item.

Example: 50f


This will make it so Titanium will have a charge of 50.

BioReactorHandler.SetBioReactorCharge(TechType.Titanium, 50f);

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