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Repository files navigation

Persistent immutable indexes for next-generation IDE


Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a great tool that increases software developer performance, providing features in addition to a plain text editor. To provide fast response time for many features, IDE requires indexes. For example, for a full-text search through all files in an opened project, one may want to use a trigram index that is merely a map: (char, char, char) -> list of files. In contemporary IDEs (like Intellij IDEA) indexes are maintained for the current working copy only, i.e. for current files on a file system (+ in-memory changes). The idea of this work is to create an efficient data structure that can hold indexes for the whole git repository (each commit) + local history + current working copy.

Note, that for simplicity, you can classify IDE indexes like this:

  • The direct index is a map: file -> something. For example, the AST index contains a compressed abstract syntax > tree for each file.
  • The inversed index is a map: something -> list of files. An example is the trigram index from above.
  • The general index is a map: something1 -> something2. For example, resolve index symbol_usage -> symbol_declaration.

Index type may influence internal index implementation due to performance considerations. For example, if your indexes are stored on-disk (rather than in-memory) and you add N characters to a document it will require only one store access into the AST index map, but O(N) store accesses for the trigram index map.


Indexes for the git repository can be used by different next-generation IDE features such as the following.

Zero-time startup

If a developer wants to work with a specific git branch, then after checkout s/he needs to wait until all IDE indexes are processed (it can take several minutes) for this branch until index-based IDE features are available. But in case we have indexes for all commits, work can be started instantly.

This also can be extremely important in Cloud IDE where the client is an editor, and the server contains a git repository, a working copy for each user, and indexes for all commits (+ delta for working copies). In the case of such a scenario, the developer only needs to do one click on a chosen commit to obtain a fully-functional IDE instantly (since indexes are already built for this commit). For local IDE, you can imagine cloning pre-build indexes from remote to the local machine as well as you clone the git repository.

Rich code review

Code review in dev-cloud tools like GitHub/GitLab is merely a diff between two text files with syntax coloring. No navigation features (like Go-To-Definition) are available for review. Even when you perform code review in local IDE, you have indexes for working copy only, so you can navigate and get code insights for a local copy but not for code from the git version you compare with. Since contemporary IDEs have no indexes for the old version, no diff-analysis is possible, other than text-based.

Search and navigation through history

Navigate and search features are extremely important in contemporary IDEs for code understanding. For example, the Go to Class feature allows you to navigate to any class you want by typing the substring of the name of the class you want to find.

One may think about the historical Go to class feature that allows one to see all classes that existed in history. Ranking such search results is a separate task. Linking the old class name to the new class name is also a very interesting topic that allows a developer to better understand code modifications, but it's beyond the scope of this research.

And many others

One may imagine tons of useful features that can be available for code history exploration as soon as we get indexes for all commit history. Presumably, it can be a breakthrough in code history understanding and history-based code analysis. Indexes are the solid fundament for future R&D work.

Scope of work

In this research, you are required to develop on-disk persistent, immutable, thread-safe, time/space efficient, and potentially horizontally scalable data structures that can hold IDE indexes for both git repository commits and working copy simultaneously. Let's consider all these requirements in detail:

On-disk persistent

While in-memory data structures can be more performant they have a sufficient drawback in the case of IDE indexes.

  • Memory is often limited in a typical developer's local machine. 8/16 GB is now merely a standard. An in-memory solution can't be supported for big projects — it will lead to out-of-memory errors.
  • Zero-time startup requirement can't be achieved. If you do not serialize in-memory data structure between IDE runs, you'd need to recalculate indexes on each run. If you serialize in-memory indexes to disk then you need to deserialize it back on each run (it takes time), and also serialization points are not obvious (you can't do it on close because nothing will be saved if the process terminated unexpectedly).

Some hybrid solution is expected from you here. Most of the information is on-disk and some frequently used information is cached in the in-memory data structures. Additionally, you may take into account that we want to index not only commits but also the current working copy (that can be imagined as text deltas in touched files over the last commit).

Thread-safe and immutable

The index data structure should provide thread-safe API to be read and written from different threads. Additionally, some features may want to work with a stale version of indexes (say, Go to class feature still calculates classes on the 1-sec-ago version while the user types several characters in the editor — it will lead to index recalculation). So in a theoretical model, every user change (like typed char) can be considered as a commit with an index version associated with it. In practice, it's extremely inefficient, so we may want to separate user inputs into debounced chunks. Chunks allow to organize Local history feature — considering debounced code changes as separate commits and searching through them. We can think about layered and versioned structures here and indexes must be available for each node in this graph:

graph LR;
    subgraph git [Indexes on git commits]
    subgraph chunk [Indexes on local history]
    chunk1-->chunk2-->chunk3(active chunk);
    subgraph changes [Code changes]
    cc1(code change 1) --> cc2(code change 2)

There is no need to keep indexes for all code changes indefinitely. If no feature uses indexes for change, an index can be dropped and change can be added to the active chuck. A garbage collection procedure must be proposed by the index API. A new active chuck can be created if the user is inactive for 1 minute or performed big refactoring (depends on local history policy).

It seems like Persistent/immutable data structures can solve this task well, but it requires additional research. With on-disk and performance requirements this task becomes challenging.

Time/space efficient

You can imagine a simple way to solve the aforementioned requirements by indexing all source files for each commit (and each code change in the working copy). This is extremely inefficient and impractical for the following reasons:

  • Space required. If we have N commits (+ code changes) and the index size for each commit is M bytes, such index structure consumes O(N*M) bytes.
  • Rebuild time required. If for each change we recalculate the index for all files, it will be impractical to wait for the developer. Incrementality is required.
  • Historical features performance. Historical Go to class feature will be extremely slow for such index organization.

So we require to organize indexes in such a way that time to reindex is O(change_size_in_bytes) and space consumed must not be more than O(change_size_in_bytes * log(all_changes_in_bytes)). Also, the feature's response time should not be more than O(log(all_changes_in_bytes)). Not only algorithmic complexity but the constant factor is very important for performance: the log base must be sufficiently big, say, 512 instead of 2 (it's a branching factor for B-tree, but it depends on data structure implementation). Strings must be interned as much as possible to keep space. Though we don't have exact numbers for the constant factor, we assume you will try to compress every data structure as much as possible.

Horizontally scalable (future research direction)

Note: This is an extra task, we do not require it from this research work, but it would be nice to have a feature. The ideal solution for index data structures must be infinitely scalable:

  • It must be distributed, so data structures should work and synchronize across several virtual machines in a cluster/cloud.
  • It must be sharded. If the total data structure size is S and we have N VMs in a cluster, the data structure part on one machine should consume O(S/M) disk.
  • It must be scalable. If you add additional VMs, the performance of requests to this data structure should increase.


What you need to do is the following:

  • Discuss your ideas with us to prove you understand the scope well and the direction of your research is aligned with our needs. Please store the results of these discussions in the document and we shall validate them.
  • Propose your design in the document with proof of your ideas.
  • Provide a prototype of index data structure.
  • Develop a prototype for Go to class and Full-text search features in the demo product (e.g. based on VSCode or Intellij IDEA).
  • Integrate such indexes into SuduIDE. The exact integration strategy will be discussed.
  • Regularly (1 day/week) attend alignment meetings.

Go to class feature

While Full-text search is a rather simple feature with trigram index, Go to class requires much more research. Go to class uses sophisticated ranking among class candidates that match the user input. For example,
InternetProtocol matches better to ip input than Hippy class. You need to define this ranking by yourself (one way is to study Intellij IDEA sources) and adopt a data structure to solve the ranking problem with maximum performance. The developed feature must be compared with the Go to class feature in Intellij IDEA working on real solutions.


We propose to do performance evaluation on some real open-source projects such as

Time for one navigation request must be measured and be not more than 20ms on a typical developer machine: Intel i9 2Hz, 16GB RAM. In-memory index part must not use more than 1Gb in RAM. On-disk and in-memory space required by the index must be measured in proportion to corresponding change sizes: all_changes_in_repository_in_java_files for Full-text search and all_class_names for Go to file.


Persistent indexes for next generation IDE






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