Implementing DQN, Double DQN and Duelling Networks on Atari Environments.
usage: [-h] [--env ENV] [--render] [--test]
[--model_episode MODEL_EPI] [--weight_file WEIGHT_FILE]
[--memory_size MEMORY_SIZE] [--burn_in BURN_IN] [--gamma GAMMA]
[--batch_size BSZ] [--episodes EPI] [--test_every TEST_EVERY]
[--test_episodes TEST_EPI] [--save_episodes SAVE_EPI]
[--eps_init EPSILON_INIT] [--eps_stop EPSILON_STOP]
[--eps_iter EPSILON_ITER] [--target_update TARGET_UPDATE]
[--eps_greedy GREEDY_EPSILON] [--lookahead] [--no_reset_dir]
[--double_dqn] [--duel_dqn] [--decay] [--seed SEED]
[--logger LOGFILE] [--folder_prefix FOLDER_PREFIX]
Deep Q Network Argument Parser
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--env ENV Choose from one of 'MountainCar-v0' or 'CartPole-v0'
--render Whether to render the Atari environment to screen
--test If used, performs the model validation on the given network
--model_episode MODEL_EPI
Used as folder prefix for gym Wrapper class
--weight_file WEIGHT_FILE
Initialize model with given weights
--memory_size memory_size
The Replay Memory size.
--burn_in BURN_IN The number of episodes to initialize into the Replay Memory
before training.
--gamma GAMMA The decay factor
--batch_size BSZ The number of episode steps to sample for training
--episodes EPI The number of train episodes for the environment
--test_every TEST_EVERY
The train episode interval to test the model after
--test_episodes TEST_EPI
The number of episodes to test the model for in every
test interval
--save_episodes SAVE_EPI
The number of train episodes after which a model file
is saved
--eps_init EPSILON_INIT
The epsilon start value
--eps_stop EPSILON_STOP
The epsilon final value
--eps_iter EPSILON_ITER
The epsilon iterations for decaying
--target_update TARGET_UPDATE
The number of train episodes after which you update the
target model
--eps_greedy GREEDY_EPSILON
The greedy epsilon value to use while testing
--lookahead Use this if you want a 2-Step lookahead for testing on
CartPole-v0 environment
--no_reset_dir Do not reset the model directories
--double_dqn This enables the model to perform Double DQN updates
instead of DQN
--duel_dqn This enables to network to calculate value network
udpates, and perform Dueling DQN instead of DQN
(NOTE: Both double_dqn and duel_dqn can be used together)
--decay This enables epislon decay, else the eps_init is used for
the entire training duration
--seed SEED The value to seed the random functions with
--logger LOGFILE The shell output logger file
--folder_prefix FOLDER_PREFIX
The folder prefixes for outputs