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Tiny Language Compiler

A language interpreter to translate a modern c-like language to lower-level executable machine code. The first three parts were made with my teamates and the last part was done on my own.

PR1: Scanner


  • The scanner works like a tokenizer. It reads from the StringIO and try to identity all the tokens

  • The reserved words are treated the same as identifier at this stage.

  • The implemented use a greedy way to detect and prioritize the longest possible tokens

  • There are two scanners:

    • The tiny language scanner is built without any generator tools and is a subset of the language scanner
    • The language scanner is implemented with JFlex
  • PR1 sepcification

PR2: Parser


  • Based on the tokens, the parser analyzes the syntax of the tokens using syntatcic grammar rules.
  • There are in general two ways to analyze the syntax
    • bottom-up (e.g. LALR used by CUP)
    • top-down (e.g. LL(K) used by JavaCC)
  • The javacc solution implemented here is LL(1)
  • When implementing LL(1), we need to rewrite some grammar rules to avoid recursing to the left and shared element in the following set
  • PR2 sepcification

PR3: Creating Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)


  • AST is an abstraction of the trees buit by syntatic rules
  • Non-terminals of no semantic meaning are left out of the AST
  • PR3 sepcification

PR4: Processing


  • There are 5 phases of processing: Linking, Type checking, space assignment, line labeling, code generation

  • In each phase, we iterate through the constructed AST (and decorate the node).

  • Linking is the process to deal with variables.

    • When declaring a variable or type, we store it in a dictionary, and when using an identifier, we look for its declartion in that dictionary and link it to that declaration
    • The dictionary is nested because we have to take care of the scope. When looking the declaration of a variable, we first check its current dictionary. If it does not exsit, we go up and check the parent dictionary
    • During the linking phase we iterate through the AST twice because the grammar allows for referencing ahead to a type that is not yet defined and self-referencing.
  • Type checking is the process to assign a type to each variable node.

    • When processing an identifier, we go to its declaration and assign the type according to the declaration
    • We also check if all the variables conforms to the semantic rules. Certain constructor has requirements for the type of the variable. For example, the operands of "+" can only be integer or decimals.
  • Space assignment is the process to assign the size and address to each variable

    • Variables in different scopes may have the same local address (displacement) since they will not affect each other
    • We also need to process the AST twice because the size of a variable referenced by the pointer cannot be determined in advance.
  • Line labeling is the process to assign a line number to each node

    • These line numbers can be determined by counting the lines of machine code
  • Code generation is the process to generate machine code

    • Each constructor can be seen as a function, and we need the machine code to implement the function
    • We use the line numbers from the last phase to easily implement jumps for the control flows
  • PR4 sepcification


Complete code of the tiny compiler in Java







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