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PaulBGD edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Airplane wiki!

Configuration Guide

# Airplane Configuration
# Read to find out more about Airplane
# Join our Discord to receive support & optimization help:
  version: '1.0'
# Optimizes projectile settings
  # Controls how many chunks are allowed
  # to be sync loaded by projectiles in a tick.
  max-loads-per-tick: 10
  # Controls how many chunks a projectile
  # can load in its lifetime before it gets
  # automatically removed.
  max-loads-per-projectile: 10
# Optimizes entity brains when
# they're far away from the player
  enabled: true
  # This value determines how far away an entity has to be
  # from the player to start being effected by DEAR.
  start-distance: 12
  # This value defines how often in ticks, the furthest entity
  # will get their pathfinders and behaviors ticked. 20 = 1s
  max-tick-freq: 20
  # This value defines how much distance modifies an entity's
  # tick frequency. freq = (distanceToPlayer^2) / (2^value)
  # If you want further away entities to tick less often, use 7.
  # If you want further away entities to tick more often, try 9.
  activation-dist-mod: 8
  # A list of entities to ignore for activation
  blacklisted-entities: []
# Configures Flare, the built-in profiler
  # Sets the server to use for profiles.
# Options for connecting to Airplane's online utilities
  token: ''


For DAB, we have a full configuration guide here:

flare / web-services

To get started with Flare, we have a guide here:


  • disable-method-profiler: the method profiler is used internally by the Minecraft Server to find performance information, but is not very useful to Bukkit. Disabling the method profiler will have no impact on how the server operates.
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