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LongSumm - Scientific Document Summarization Task

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A Shared Task at NAACL 2021 that focuses on generation of long summaries for scientific documents. LongSumm is one of three shared tasks conducted as part of: 2nd Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

Important announcements (February 25, 2021) :

  • Based on request form several teams the blind test set runs are now due by March 1, 2021 (AoE): see
  • Please do not forget to select one of your submissions to appear in the leaderboard.
  • Participant teams are asked to send us an email with the team name and contact details of at least one corresponding author.

LongSumm - Overview

Most of the work on scientific document summarization focuses on generating relatively short summaries. Such a length constraint might be appropriate when summarizing news articles but it is less adequate for scientific work. In fact, such a short summary resembles an abstract and cannot cover all the salient information conveyed in a given scientific text. Writing longer summaries requires expertise and a deep understanding in a scientific domain, as can be found in some researchers blogs.

To address this point, the LongSumm task opted to leverage blog posts created by researchers in the NLP and Machine learning communities that summarize scientific articles and use these posts as reference summaries.

The corpus for this task includes a training set that consists of 1705 extractive summaries, and 531 abstractive summaries of NLP and Machine Learning scientific papers. The extractive summaries are based on video talks from associated conferences (Lev et al. 2019 TalkSumm) while the abstractive summaries are blog posts created by NLP and ML researchers. In addition, we created a test set of abstractive summaries for testing submissions. Each submission is judged against one reference summary (gold summary) using ROUGE and should not exceed 600 words.

If you use this dataset in your work, please cite our paper:

    title = "Overview and Insights from the Shared Tasks at Scholarly Document Processing 2020: {CL}-{S}ci{S}umm, {L}ay{S}umm and {L}ong{S}umm",
    author = "Chandrasekaran, Muthu Kumar  and
      Feigenblat, Guy  and
      Hovy, Eduard  and
      Ravichander, Abhilasha  and
      Shmueli-Scheuer, Michal  and
      de Waard, Anita",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.sdp-1.24",
    pages = "214--224",

LongSumm - Data and Instructions

You are invited to participate in the LongSumm Shared Task at SDP@NAACL 2021. This repository contains the dataset and instructions on how to participate in the task.

Training Data

The training data is composed of abstractive and extractive summaries.

Abstractive Summaries:

The abstractive summaries are from different domains of CS including ML, NLP, AI, vision, storage, etc.

The training data contains around 700 abstractive summaries that can be found at data/abstractive/cluster. The folder contains clusters of summaries with length varying between 100-1500 words. Each sub-folder clusters into bins of size 100 words. (i.e., summary of 541 words will appear in the corresponding cluster of 500-600). We used the Python NLTK library to count the number of words and to segment summary text into sentences.

The format of a summary is a JSON file with the following entries:

Entry Description
id Record id (unique)
blog_id The id of the blog
summary An array of the sentences of the summary
author_id The id of the author
pdf_url The link to the original paper
author_full_name The author full name
source_website the website in which the original blog appears


  "id": "79792577",
  "blog_id": "4d803bc021f579d4aa3b24cec5b994",
  "summary": [
    "Task of translating natural language queries into regular expressions ...",
    "Proposes a methodology for collecting a large corpus of regular expressions ...",
    "Reports performance gain of 19.6% over state-of-the-art models.",
    "Architecture  LSTM based sequence to sequence neural network (with attention) Six layers ...",
    "Attention over encoder layer.",
  "author_id": "shugan",
  "pdf_url": "",
  "author_full_name": "Shagun Sodhani",
  "source_website": ""

Each papers' summary should be linked the corresponding text of the original paper. Due to copyright restrictions will not publish the original papers, here are the suggested steps to fully construct the dataset:

  • Extract PDF - to download the PDF of each paper, one can use the following script : The output of this scripts is the papers PDFs by their IDs, under the out_folder.

    Notice - some of the papers may require a subscription (e.g., ACM). If you do not have the permission the script won't be able to download the paper.

    The script accepts as input 3 parameters :

    • clusters_dir  - path to the directory that contains the summaries
    • out_folder - path to the output directory where you want all the PDFs
    • num_processes - the script has an option to run in a multiprocess fashion. Default=1, we recommend to use more in order to decrease the downloading time. 

    python --clusters_dir=/path/to/input/dir/with/clusters --out_folder=/path/to/output/dir/for/PDF --num_processes=3

  • Extract Text of the PDF- given papers in pdf format, we recommend to use science-parse to convert them to structured json files. 

    At the end of this step, you should have for each summary, a corresponding JSON file of the original text from the paper as extracted by science-parse.

Extractive Summaries

The extractive summaries are based on the TalkSumm (Lev et al. 2019) dataset. The dataset contains 1705 automatically-generated noisy extractive summaries of scientific papers from the NLP and Machine Learning domain based on video talks from associated conferences (e.g., ACL, NAACL, ICML)  Summaries can be found under data/extractive/. Each summary provides the top-30 sentences, which are on average around 990 words.  The format of each summary file is as follows:

  • Each line contains: sentence index (in original paper), sentence score (i.e. duration), then the sentence itself. The fields are tab-separated.
  • The order of the sentences is according to their order in the paper.
  • Link to the reference paper.

If you wish to create extractive summaries of a paper that doesn't not exist in the dataset, you will need to follow the instructions from:

Test Data (Blind)

There are 22 papers for the test set, as listed below.

Paper id Paper title Paper link
1000 Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections
1001 RNN Fisher Vectors for Action Recognition and Image Annotation
1002 TALK SUMM: A Dataset and Scalable Annotation Method for Scientific Paper Summarization Based on Conference Talks
1003 Emotion Detection from Text via Ensemble Classification Using Word Embeddings
1004 Classifying Emotions in Customer Support Dialogues in Social Media
1005 MetAdapt: Meta-Learned Task-Adaptive Architecture for Few-Shot Classification
1006 Detecting Egregious Conversations between Customers and Virtual Agents
1007 Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification
1008 An Editorial Network for Enhanced Document Summarization
1009 DIMSIM: An Accurate Chinese Phonetic Similarity Algorithm Based on Learned High Dimensional Encoding
1010 Improved Neural Relation Detection for Knowledge Base Question Answering
1011 Interactive Dictionary Expansion using Neural Language Models
1012 Interpretable and Globally Optimal Prediction for Textual Grounding using Image Concepts
1013 Learning Implicit Generative Models by Matching Perceptual Features
1014 Scalable Demand-Aware Recommendation
1015 Neural Response Generation for Customer Service based on Personality Traits
1016 A Low Power, High Throughput, Fully Event-Based Stereo System
1017 Characterization and Learning of Causal Graphs with Latent Variables from Soft Interventions
1018 Complex Program Induction for Querying Knowledge Bases in the Absence of Gold Programs
1019 Unsupervised Dual-Cascade Learning with Pseudo-Feedback Distillation for Query-based Extractive Summarization
1020 High quality, lightweight and adaptable TTS using LPCNet
1021 Sobolev Independence Criterion


The intrinsic evaluation will be done by ROUGE, using ROUGE-1, -2, -L metrics. In addition, a randomly selected subset of the summaries will undergo human evaluation.



The submission should be a single json file containing all summaries, following the format:

"paper_id_1":"summary of paper 1",
"paper_id_2":"summary of the paper 2"

Evaluation Script


In order to submit you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an IBM account at ( Please use the email account that you registered to the task.
  2. Login to the AI Leaderboard ( with your IBM account

AI Leaderboard instructions:

  1. Choose "Participate"
  2. Choose "Participant Teams" and create a new participant team - use a meaningful name for your group as this is the name that will appear in the leaderboard.
  3. Go to "All Challenges" and find our task "Long Scientific Document Summarization" , and click on "View Details"
  4. To submit go the the "Participate" tab, select a team, click on "Next" and accept the Terms & Condisiton. (this step is done only once). In case that you are not able to click on "Next" please press refresh that page (Ctrl+Shift+R or Cmnd+Shift+r)
  5. Go to the "Submit" tab, there you can upload the json file, describe the submission, and press "Submit".
  6. To view your submission(s) go to the "My Submissions". There you can see all your submissions, their status (Finished/Failed), links to some logs, and results. Finally in case that you want your submission to appear in the leaderboard you will need to check "Show on leaderboard".
  7. Finally, in order to see the leaderboard go to the "Leaderboard" tab.
  • Firefox and Chrome browsers are supported
  • In any case that you seems not to see submission/results on leaderboard press refresh that page (Ctrl+Shift+R or Cmnd+Shift+r)

LongSumm 2020 Results


  • You can submit up to 25 runs.


  • Train & public test set release – December 14, 2020 (registration opens)
  • Blind test set release – February 19, 2021
  • Blind test set runs due – March 1, 2021 February 26, 2021 (registration closes)
  • Final evaluation results published – March 1, 2021
  • All paper submissions due – March 15, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance – April 15, 2021
  • Camera-ready papers due – April 26, 2021
  • Workshop – June 10, 2020

Submission Disclaimer

You should only submit summaries that are part of the test data. Please do not submit any confidential or personal information. Please see the IBM Terms of use (


We would like to thank the following blog authors and to who genereously allowed us to share the content as part of this dataset.



The data was copied from the above mentioned blogs as-is. IBM is not responsible for the content of the data, nor for any claim related to the data (including claims related to alleged intellectual property or privacy breach).


For further information about this dataset please contact the organizers of the shared task:


LongSumm - Scientific Document Summarization Task






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  • Jupyter Notebook 56.6%
  • Python 42.7%
  • Shell 0.7%