Default CS for ranma hdi image : 090f
1000:3497 INT 18h AH 14h
INT 18h Function 14h: read font pattern 16 dot
1000:3fd4 e8 66 f4 CALL FUN_1000_343d undefined FUN_1000_343d()
1000:3f6d e8 04 00 CALL FUN_1000_3f74 undefined FUN_1000_3f74()
1000:37ea e8 78 07 CALL FUN_1000_3f65 undefined FUN_1000_3f65(undefine
1000:31b6 e8 28 06 CALL FUN_1000_37e1 undefined FUN_1000_37e1(undefine
Print function FUN_1000_315f
1000:2f1a e8 42 02 CALL FUN_1000_315f undefined FUN_1000_315f(undefine
1000:2edf e8 30 00 CALL FUN_1000_2f12 undefined FUN_1000_2f12()
1000:2ea4 e8 1f 00 CALL FUN_1000_2ec6 undefined FUN_1000_2ec6()
OP handler?
1000:199b e8 fc 14 CALL FUN_1000_2e9a undefined FUN_1000_2e9a()
Opcode dispatch
1000:04c3 e8 4c 00 CALL FUN_1000_0512 undefined FUN_1000_0512()
todo: untangle this clusterfuck
OP < 0x3f :
read pair of bytes, increase counter by 2
while OP != 0x40:
if OP < 0x40:
read pair of bytes, increase counter by 2
if OP == 0x65:
if OP < 0x60 or OP >= 0xaf:
call FUN_1000_0512 recursively
OP == 0x40 : increase counter by 1, break
OP >= 0x3f and (OP < 0x60 or OP >= 0xaf): \*(undefined2 \*)0x8726 = 1;
OP >= 0x60 and OP < 0xaf : call [OP\*4 + 0x3c] (starts at ds:0x01bc)
090f:9765 (12855): File A:SCENE_00.COM opened w/handle 0 (filename loc: 68fde)
090f:9745 (12835): file 5: read 6000 bytes to $847b:0006 (847b6)
FUN_1000_6e6a : open, read amd close scene file
[0x5fae] - file name address
one of results [0x872c] - maybe start address of the scene file
[0x8730] - instruction counter
in 1000:026d CALL FUN_1000_0407 based on results of FUN_1000_0552
Offset to start of bytecode are taken from arbitrary count of offsets (at least one) from start of SCENE file.
Increased by 1 in FUN_1000_0590
Iterprete SCENE file until OP != 0x63