Version 1.0
Chess engine based on min-max algorithm, iterative deepening and transposition tables.
- Player vs AI
- AI vs AI
- AI vs FICS (Free Internet Chess Server)
- negamax search - simple implementation of minmax algorithm
- alpha-beta pruning - decreases the number of nodes parsed by the negamax
- transposition tables - cache for parsed positions, prevents from double calculation of node
- iterative deepening - iterative increasing of maximal depth
- quiescence search - prevents from horizon problem, calculates very deep nodes (only captures, promotions or checks)
- Zobrist hashing - calculates unique number for the board
Proxima b is playing on Free Internet Chess Server (FICS) as "proximab(C)". Feel free to play with him :) The most common setting for games is 15/0 (or 10/0).
Name | Description |
Hello (Hi) | writes "Hello" on the console |
AddPiece s x y | adds the specific piece [s] on position [x, y] |
Save x | saves the board to the specific file [x] |
Load x | loads the board from the specific file [x] |
Heuristic (Heur) | gets an heuristic value of the board |
MinMax (n) c | calls AI algorithm for the specific color [c] |
GetHash (Hash) | gets hash of the board |
IsMate (Mate) c | writes "True" if the king with color [c] is mates |
MarkPos (MPos) x y | marks the specific position |
DoMove (DM) a b x y | does move from [a, b] to [x, y] |
SetMaxTimeAI (MaxTime) x | sets max time x for AI algorithm |
SetGameMode (GameMode) x | sets the game mode [x] |
StopFICS | stops fics thread |
ResetBoard (Reset) | resets board to default values |
Help (H) | writes list of commands |
SendFICSCommand (SendFICS) x | sends specific text [x] to the FICS server |
FISCLoop(GameMode) x | sets FICS games loop |