This is an ElectronJS-based application that allows users to record their screen, webcam, and microphone in high quality videos. This application is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
To use this screen recorder, follow these steps:
Clone this repository onto your local machine. Run npm install to install the dependencies. Run npm start to start the application.
Once you have installed the application, you can use it to record your screen, webcam, and microphone by following these steps:
Choose the recording settings that you want. Click the "Start Recording" button to start recording. Click the "Stop Recording" button to stop recording. Choose the location where you want to save the recorded video.
This screen recorder application offers the following features:
Record your screen, webcam, and microphone in high quality videos. Choose the recording settings that you want. Pause and resume your recordings. Choose the location where you want to save the recorded video. View your recorded videos in the application.
If you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to submit a pull request. Please follow the code style guidelines and make sure that your code passes the tests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.