Here is the basic scenario:
Make update to the model:
- update mnistParams.json - this file contains parameters for mnist model
- make commit
CI workflow will be triggered which is configured using GitHub Actions. The workflow consist of 3 jobs:
- build-model
- build-push
- pipeline
Build-model - as a result you will have image which contain your model which will be used in the pipeline to train it:
- checkout repo
- build docker image with new changes using model.Dockerfile
- push docker image to the Docker registry
Build-push - as a result you will have image which contain script to push trained model from PVC to external repo (mnist-serve in this case):
- checkout repo
- build docker image with new changes using push.Dockerfile
- push docker image to the Docker registry
- checkout repo
- install python 3
- change tokens in the file using secrets
- compile pipeline
- check step to verify that all was changed
- download kfplctl tool - needed to work with Kubeflow from CLI
- create new pipeline in the Kubeflow
- create new experiment if it doesn't exist
- create new run using new pipeline and experiment
After this you need to go to Kubeflow and wait until your run will finish. As a result of the run you will get:
- trained model with parameters you provided in mnistParams.json file
- this model is pushed to mnist-serve repo
Next will be triggered CI workflow on the mnist-serve repo:
- build
- deploy
- checkout repo
- build new image based on tensorflow/serving with new model
- push new image to the Docker registry
- create deployment and service in the k8s provided with new image/model
As a result you will have your model served by tensoflow serving server in your k8s cluster and configured access to it. Now let's move to the last step - mnist-web-ui repo. It will not be triggered automatically, but if you will do some commit to it - it will trigger its CI. It also consist with two steps: build and deploy.
- build new image with server/client which will connect to the tensorflow serving server in the same cluster.
- push new image to the registry
- create deployment and service in the k8s provided with new image/model
As a result you will have external IP address which you can hit and see web-ui connected to your latest model.