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How to send alerts from inside Tendrl for devs

anmolbabu edited this page May 31, 2017 · 1 revision

Supporting a new type of alert in tendrl

How alerting works

  • The node-agent exposes a unix socket for the purpose of logging. Any message(job-updates, threshold breaches, status changes, exception tracebacks etc...) posted on this socket by any of the tendrl's integrations, with appropriate meta-data lands into a designated directory in etcd -- '/messages/events' and this happens after many validations and in accordance with different priorities attached to the message which is all handled by the logging framework in commons..

  • Now there is a specific designated priority value('notice') to consider these events in etcd as of importance to be notified to the user and the alerting module is specifically only interested in messages with this priority present in etcd and provided the message contains a specific set of meta-data.

  • The alerting module periodically scans through entries in /messages/events looking for any new message in this directory in etcd that carries a 'notice' priority. If there's any, it hands over such a message to the alerting module's handler framework that chooses the handler specific to the message(alert) and does some processing around it like the following

    • Classify the alert as node related or cluster related...
    • Process any meta-data attached to the raw-message in etcd.
  • After all of this the alert now is pushed into the notification framework of the alerting module. Now the different means of notification in this framework are hooked in the form of plugins and the framework just handovers the alert to each of these plugins which in turn decide their destinations for the alert based on the specific configurations they work on..

How can a new alert be added/supported by tendrl

  • The alert needs to contain the following fields:

      help: 'The unique identifier of alert'
      type: String
      help: 'The unique identifier of node on which alert was detected'
      type: String
      help: 'The timestamp at which alert was observed'
      type: String
      help: 'The resource with problem for which alert was raised'
      type: String
      help: 'The current magnitude(status/utilization) of problem'
      type: String
      help: 'Alert specific fields that cannot be generalized for all alerts like the cluster-id, cluster-name, descriptive message detailing the problem'
      type: Dict
      help: 'The type(status/percentage utilization) of alert'
      type: String
      help: 'The severity of alert'
      type: String
      help: 'The significance of notifying alert'
      type: String
      help: 'Entity/person acking the alert'
      type: String
      help: 'Indication of whether alert is acked or not'
      type: Boolean
      help: 'Users comments for acking this alert'
      type: List
      help: 'Time at which the alert was acked'
      type: String
      help: 'The id of process raising the alert'
      type: String
      help: 'The process raising the alert'
      type: String
  enabled: true
  value: alerting/alerts/$Alert.alert_id
  list: alerting/alerts
  help: "alerts"

  • Now any tendrl integration to add an alert related to the change in status/availability of an entity/resource maintained by it, needs to pass such an information encoded with details in the above mentioned format to the node- agent logging socket using the Message-Event framework exposed by the commons logging framework with a priority 'notice'.


  • Once all this is done, a alert specific handler needs to be added in the alerting module.Currently the role of the handlers is minimal but they are expected to carry more responsibilities once their requirements are felt.

ex:Handlers under

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