Solis is Atlas' open-source library for binary classification and segmentation of multispectral images. It includes the following models, all of which have a configurable number of input channels:
- ResNet18
- ResNet34
- ResNet50
- ResNet101
- DeepLabV3 with ResNet50 backbone
- DeepLabV3 with ResNet101 backbone
It also includes support for datasets created using s2dataset. Models and datasets are available for both PyTorch and Lightning.
This project was originally intended to detect solar installations in satellite images, hence the name solis, but it makes no assumptions about the objects to be detected or the source of the images. This means it is equally well suited for, for example, aerial photographs or medical images.
Solis is not yet available on PyPi, but can be installed directly from GitHub using pip:
pip install
To run the included CLI application, use python -m solis
. This is simply a LightningCLI which has access to all the models and datasets included in this project. For more info on how to use the CLI, use python -m solis --help
or check out the LightningCLI documentation. The preferred way to interact with the CLI is using YAML-files. After inserting the path to your dataset in the example YAML-files in the cfg
folder, a ResNet18 model can be trained using python -m solis fit --config resnet18.yaml
. Similarly, a DeepLabV3 model can be trained using python -m solis fit --config deeplabv3_resnet50
. Checkpoints and tensorboard logs will be saved in the lightning_logs
folder. To view the logs in tensorboard, use tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs
. To resume training from a checkpoint, use python -m solis fit --config lightning_logs/version_x/config.yaml --ckpt_path lightning_logs/version_x/checkpoints/epoch=y-step=z.ckpt
The solis
module also includes utilities for exporting a trained model to PyTorch or ONNX. These can be run using python -m solis.export_torch
or python -m solis.export_onnx
respectively. To export the DeepLabV3 model trained in the previous example to PyTorch, use python -m solis.export_torch lightning_logs/version_x/checkpoints/epoch=y-step=z.ckpt
. To export the model to ONNX, use python -m solis.export_onnx solis_lightning.modules.DeepLabV3_ResNet50 lightning_logs/version_x/checkpoints/epoch=y-step=z.ckpt my_model.onnx
Models and datasets are available for both PyTorch and Lightning. The solis_torch
module contains the PyTorch implementations, while the solis_lightning
module contains the Lightning implementations.
from solis_torch.datasets import S2Segmentation
from solis_torch.models import deeplabv3_resnet50
from solis_torch.transforms import (
import torch
transform = Compose([
dataset = S2Segmentation("path/to/dataset", transform=transform)
dataloader =, batch_size=32, drop_last=True, shuffle=True)
model = deeplabv3_resnet50(num_channels=12, num_classes=1)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9)
for batch in dataloader:
x, y = batch
y_hat = model(x)
loss = torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat["out"][:, 0], y)
from solis_lightning.datamodules import S2Segmentation
from solis_lightning.modules import DeepLabV3_ResNet50
import lightning.pytorch as pl
class MyModel(DeepLabV3_ResNet50):
def configure_optimizers(self):
return torch.optim.SGD(self.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9)
datamodule = S2Segmentation("path/to/dataset", batch_size=32)
model = MyModel(num_channels=12, num_classes=1)
trainer = pl.Trainer(), datamodule)