4.1.5 (2021-06-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Improve API v1 #2010
- [Enhancement] Improve integrity checks #2033
- [Feature Request] Add the ability to copy data from a database to another #2042
- [Feature Request] Add organisation name in responder data #2048
- [Feature Request] Add alert updatable fields #2055
Closed issues:
- [Bug] API GET /api/alert fails when similarity is specified #1981
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Imported filter does not show alerts which are associated to removed cases #1940
- [Bug] Observable already exists #1963
- [Bug] using quick-filter "shared with my org" takes arround 90 seconds #1979
- [Bug] Analyzer reports dissapear in 4.1.4 (observable already exists error) #1982
- [Bug] Merge Into Case search by title not working #1983
- [Bug] Able to merge alert into closed case, even though it is not allowed #1985
- Custom Dashboards issue - see #1877 as reference [Bug] #2001
- [Question] A security issue? #2008
- [Bug] Case description edit button misplaced after description update #2012
- [Bug] Analyzer list is not refreshing properly when organization change #2025
- [Bug] Alert list constantly resets #2030
- [Bug] Can't Delete Case Custom Field (contains [ character) After Migration #2043
- [Bug] Unable to find case by Case Number #2044
- [Bug] add TTP error message on the hive - 4.1.4-1 #2045
- [Bug] Merge Into Case search by title not a real search #2049
- [Bug] max-attributes param not working for MISP #2050
- [Bug] Invalid output when a file observable already exist #2054