This MVP is a web application where techies (Developers designers engineers etc) can list their items at auction prices and any interested member of the community can buy. This can also be handy for people who are relocating to quickly sell their stuff while helping a community member. The platform is P2P as no payment is processed on the platform; users will settle payment when an item is satisfactory. The platform is similar to jiji.
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Users can put up their item for sell.
- Users who are interested in an item can buy from the seller.
- Users can chat up the item seller.
- It is P2P platform no payment is processed.
2. clone the repo
git clone your forked url && cd dir
3. install dependencies
npm install
4. switch to another branch to start your work.
git checkout -b your-branch-name
5. start development
npm start:dev
Technologies used in the project:
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
NOTE: 1) Do not use "console.log" anywhere in the project, use "winston" instead, for a more detail logs 2) all images are stored on cloudinary, only the link is saved to the database 3) before you push your code changes, run the eslint script and prettier script in package.json