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Laravel Verify Bundle

A simple role/permission authentication bundle for Laravel

  • Secure password storage with salt
  • Role/permission based authentication
  • Exceptions for intelligent handling of errors
  • Configurable/extendable


Run this command on the CLI:

php artisan bundle:install verify

Registering the Bundle

Place the following code in application/bundles.php:

'verify'    => array(
    auto        => true

Then change your Auth driver to 'verify' in application/config/auth.php:

'driver' => 'verify',

Now migrate the resources for Verify:

php artisan migrate verify

You should now have all the tables imported, complete with a sample user, called admin, with a password of password.


The bundle is intentionally lightweight. You add Users, Roles and Permissions like any other Model.

$user = new Verify\Models\User;
$role = new Verify\Models\Role;
$permission = new Verify\Models\Permission;


All models are in the namespace 'Verify\Models'.

The relationships are as follows:

  • Roles have many and belong to Users
  • Users have many and belgon to Roles
  • Roles have many and belong to Permissions
  • Permissions have many and belong to Roles

Relationships are handled via the ORM, too:


More information on relationships can be found in the Laravel Eloquent docs.

Basic Examples

// Create a new Permission
$permission = new \Verify\Models\Permission;
$permission->name = 'delete_user';

// Create a new Role
$role = new Verify\Models\Role;
$role->name = 'Moderator';
$role->level = 7;

// Assign the Permission to the Role

// Create a new User
$user = new \Verify\Models\User;
$user->username = 'Todd';
$user->email = '[email protected]';
$user->password = 'password'; // This is automatically salted and encrypted

// Assign the Role to the User

// Using the public methods available on the User object
var_dump($user->is('Moderator')); // true
var_dump($user->is('Admin')); // false

var_dump($user->can('delete_user')); // true
var_dump($user->can('add_user')); // false

var_dump($user->level(7)); // true
var_dump($user->level(5, '<=')); // false


For full documentation, have a look at