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Create and use modals

Daniel Tischner edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 2 revisions


This tutorial shows how to create and use modals in commands. That is, a popup message with a form that allows the user to input and submit data.

Please read Add a new command first.

What you will learn

  • create a modal
  • react to a modal being submitted


Create a modal

To create a modal, all we need is a way to create Component IDs. The easiest way to do so is by extending SlashCommandAdapter or BotCommandAdapter. Alternatively, there is also the helper ComponentIdInteractor, which can be used directly.

We will create a very simple slash command that lets the user submit feedback, which is then logged in the console.

command selection modal response log

The core of creating the model would be something like this:

TextInput body = TextInput.create("message", "Message", TextInputStyle.PARAGRAPH)
        .setPlaceholder("Put your feedback here")
        .setRequiredRange(10, 200)

// we need to use a proper component ID here
Modal modal = Modal.create(generateComponentId(), "Feedback")
        .addActionRow(body) // can also have multiple fields


React to modal submission

The system automatically forwards the event based on the generated component ID. To receive it, the class that send it has to implement UserInteractor. The easiest way for that is by implementing BotCommand or SlashCommand, ideally by extending the helpers BotCommandAdapter or SlashCommandAdapter.

This gives a method onModalSubmitted which will automatically be called by the system and can be used to react to the modal being submitted:

public void onModalSubmitted(ModalInteractionEvent event, List<String> args) {
    String message = event.getValue("message").getAsString();
    System.out.println("User send feedback: " + message);

    event.reply("Thank you for your feedback!").setEphemeral(true).queue();

## Add to features

Finally, we have to add an instance of the class to the system. We do so in the file

features.add(new SendFeedbackCommand());

Full code

The full code for the class is

public final class SendFeedbackCommand extends SlashCommandAdapter {

    private static final String MESSAGE_INPUT = "message";

    public SendFeedbackCommand() {
        super("feedback", "Send feedback to the server maintainers", CommandVisibility.GUILD);

    public void onSlashCommand(SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
        TextInput body = TextInput.create(MESSAGE_INPUT, "Message", TextInputStyle.PARAGRAPH)
                .setPlaceholder("Put your feedback here")
                .setRequiredRange(10, 200)

        Modal modal = Modal.create(generateComponentId(), "Feedback")


    public void onModalSubmitted(ModalInteractionEvent event, List<String> args) {
        String message = event.getValue(MESSAGE_INPUT).getAsString();
        System.out.println("User send feedback: " + message);

        event.reply("Thank you for your feedback!").setEphemeral(true).queue();
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