This is a simple API application built with FastAPI, a modern Python web framework. The project provides a RESTful API for managing stores and their products.
- User Registration: New users can register by providing necessary information such as email, username, password etc.
- Authentication: Registered users can authenticate themselves using a secure authentication mechanism.
- Role-Based Access Control: The application implements role-based access control (RBAC), allowing users to have specific roles, such as 'admin' or 'user'. Different roles grant different levels of access and permissions.
- Store Management: Enables users with appropriate roles to perform actions related to store management, including addition, retrieval, updating, and deletion of store information.
- Product Management: Users with the necessary roles can manage product information within stores by performing actions such as addition, retrieval, updating, and deletion of products.
- Python 3
- FastAPI
- Pydantic
- SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL
- Alembic
users table
| Column | Data Type |
| id | SERIAL |
| email | VARCHAR |
| username | VARCHAR |
| first_name | VARCHAR |
| last_name | VARCHAR |
| hashed_password| VARCHAR |
| is_active | BOOLEAN |
| role | VARCHAR |
stores table
| Column | Data Type |
| store_id | SERIAL |
| store_name | VARCHAR |
| location | VARCHAR |
| address | VARCHAR |
products table
| Column | Data Type |
| product_id | SERIAL |
| product_name | VARCHAR |
| is_available | BOOLEAN |
| store_id | INTEGER |
- Clone repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Create virtual env:
python -m venv venv
- Activate virtual env
- Windows:
- MacOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- Windows:
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup Postgres server on your machine with no table in the database as they will be created using alembic migration
- To make this code work on your local machine, create
in root directory and add environment variables there as shown in below example:-
SECRET_KEY=unique and complex string as a secret key DB_USER=database user DB_PASS=database password DB_HOST=database host DB_PORT=database port DB_NAME=database name
- Run alembic migration to create tables and columns with proper data types
alembic upgrade head
- Launch the server:
- Basic Launch
uvicorn app:app
- Auto-Reload Enabled
uvicorn app:app --reload
- Specify Port with Auto-Reload
uvicorn app:app --port 8086 --reload
- Basic Launch
- Swagger will be accessible at<port>/docs
- Admin panel will be accessible at<port>/admin