This repository contains some learnr interactive tutorials for R.
There are currently four tutorials:
- "Tidyverse_Introduction" introduces concepts and tools important for using tidyverse packages.
- "ggplot" teaches basic ggplot2 plotting skills
- "Gather_And_Spread" focuses on converting data between long and wide formats (deprecated, use Pivot)
- "Pivot" focuses on converting data between long and wide formats
- "Joins" illustrates how to join multiple data frames based on shared keys
- "Stringr_and_Regex" Introduced regular expressions and string manipulation with the stringr package.
First you need to have learnr
and devtools
From within R:
#only needs to be done once per computer
Then install the tutorials themselves:
devtools::install_github("UCDBIS180L/BIS180LTutorials") # only needs to be done once per computer
When you want to actually use the tutorial, then:
learnr::run_tutorial("TUTORIAL_NAME", package = "BIS180LTutorials")
where "TUTORIAL_NAME" gets replaced by one of "Tidyverse_Introduction", "ggplot", "Gather_And_Spread", or "Joins". (keep the quotes).
The material introduced in these tutorials is covered in much more detail in R for data science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
If you want to serve the tutorials on a shiny server instance, then:
- be sure that the directory containing the tutorials is owned by shiny
- delete the .html file associated with each tutorial