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Segment White Mater Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net


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Segment White Matter Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net

What does the pipeline do?

This pipeline allows white matter lesions (WMLs) to be segmented from a subject's T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images from the same scanning session. The analysis steps (including pre- and post- processing) make use of the following tools:

  • FSL (FMRIB Software Library) : a library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and diffusion brain imaging data.

  • UNet-pgs : A segmentation pipeline for white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) using U-Net.

  • MRIcroGL : A tool including a graphical interface for dcm2niix to convert DICOM images to NIfTI format.

For details of the processing steps, see the pipeline documentation.

The pipeline is available as a Docker or Apptainer container, allowing it to be run on many different systems.

How to run the pipeline?

Setting up and running the pipeline requires the following steps, which are explained in detail in the sections below:

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart TD
    installation("`Install prerequisites`")
    convert("`Convert images to NIfTI`")
    structure("`Create standard directory structure`")
    build("`Build Docker / Apptainer image`")
    run("`Run the container with Docker / Apptainer`")
    installation --> convert
    convert --> structure
    structure --> build
    build --> run

1. Install prerequisites

If your MRI data isn't in NIfTI format, download MRIcroGL from their website.

If you want to run the container via Docker, install Docker Desktop. They have installation instructions for Mac, Windows and Linux systems.

If you want to use Apptainer instead, then follow the installation instructions on their website.

2. Convert images to NIfTI format (if required)

If your images aren't in NIfTI format, you can use dcm2niix to convert them. This is available via the command-line or via a graphical interface inside MRIcroGL. Steps for converting with the graphical interface are provided below:

Open MRIcroGL and select Import > Convert DICOM to NifTI

MRIcroGL user interface with the DICOM to NifTI option highlighted

Set the the output file format to %i_%p to include the patient ID and series description in the filename.

dcm2niix user interface

You can then drag/drop DICOM files and folders onto the right side of the window to convert them. Alternatively, you can click the Select Folder To Convert button (at the bottom of the left side of the window) to select a folder to convert directly.

3. Create standard directory structure

Create a directory (anywhere on your computer) to hold your input image data and the generated results.

Inside this directory:

  • Create code and data directories. The code folder should remain empty.

  • Inside the data folder, create a subjects.txt file that contains subject identifiers (one per line) e.g. these could be numeric subject ids.

  • For each subject id:

    • Create a directory at data/subject-id (replacing 'subject-id' with the relevant id from your subjects.txt file)

    • Create a sub-directory inside the 'subject-id' directory called niftis.

    • Inside niftis place the subject's T1 MRI scan and FLAIR MRI scan. Both these files should be in nifti format (ending .nii.gz) and contain either T1 or FLAIR in their name respectively.

Your final file structure should look like below (for two example subject ids):

    │   └───niftis
    │       ├───T1.nii.gz
    │       └───FLAIR.nii.gz
    │   └───niftis
    │       ├───T1.nii.gz
    │       └───FLAIR.nii.gz

4. Build the Docker / Apptainer image

To build the image (in Docker or Apptainer), you have the following options:

  • Use the image from Docker Hub
  • Build the image from source

Using the image from docker hub

The image is available on docker hub in the enigma-pd-wml repository.

If you want to run the container via docker, you can download it by running:

docker pull hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml:latest

If you want to run the container via Apptainer instead, use:

apptainer build enigma-pd-wml.sif docker://hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml:latest

Build the image from source

Clone this github repository with:

git clone

Build the Docker image with:

cd Enigma-PD-WML
docker build -f Dockerfile -t enigma-pd-wml .

If you want to run the container via Apptainer, you can convert this Docker image into an Apptainer one via:

docker image save enigma-pd-wml -o enigma-pd-wml.tar
apptainer build enigma-pd-wml.sif docker-archive:enigma-pd-wml.tar

5. Run the container

Below are various ways to run the container. For each, make sure you run the command from the top level of the directory you made in the 'Create standard directory structure' section. Note there are some options you can add to the end of the docker/apptainer command.

If you encounter issues when running the pipeline, check the output logs for any errors.

Via docker (using image from docker hub)

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/home -v "$(pwd)"/code:/code -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml

Via docker (using image built from source)

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/home -v "$(pwd)"/code:/code -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data enigma-pd-wml

Via apptainer

You'll need to put the .sif file in the top level of the directory you made in the 'Create standard directory structure' section, or provide the full path to its location.

apptainer run --bind ${PWD}:/home --bind ${PWD}/code:/code --bind ${PWD}/data:/data enigma-pd-wml.sif


  • -n : the number of jobs to run in parallel.

    By default (without -n), the pipeline will process your subjects sequentially on 1 core. With -n they will be processed in parallel with n jobs. For example:

    # Run with 5 jobs
    -n 5

    A good default value is the number of cores on your system, but be wary of increased memory usage.

  • -o : whether to overwrite existing output files

    By default (without -o), the pipeline will try to re-use any existing output files, skipping steps that are already complete. This is useful if, for example, the pipeline fails at a late stage and you want to run it again, without having to re-run time-consuming earlier steps. With -o the pipeline will run all steps again and ensure any previous output is overwritten.

Pipeline output

Output images

The main pipeline output will be written to a zip file (per subject) at /data/UNet-pgs/subject-id/

This should contain six files within an output directory:

  • results2mni_lin.nii.gz: WML segmentations linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_lin_deep.nii.gz: WML segmentations (deep white matter) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2min_lin_perivent.nii.gz: WML segmentations (periventricular) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin.nii.gz: WML segmentations non-linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2min_nonlin_deep.nii.gz: WML segmentations (deep white matter) non-linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin_perivent.nii.gz: WML segmentations (periventricular) non-linearly transformed to MNI space.

Output logs

Pipeline logs can be found at:

  • /code/overall_log.txt: contains minimal information about the initial pipeline setup.

  • /code/subject_logs: one log per subject, containing information about the various processing steps.

Common issues

Tensorflow memory usage

A common issue is UNets-pgs failing due to high memory usage. You may see warnings / errors in your subject logs similar to:

  • tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 675840000 exceeds 10% of system memory.

  • / line 14: 69443 Killed

You may want to try:

  • Running the pipeline on a system with more memory

  • Reducing the number of jobs passed to the -n option (if you're using it). This will slow down the pipeline, but also reduce overall memory usage.

For developers

Some brief notes on the development setup for this repository are provided in a separate developer docs file.


Segment White Mater Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net







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