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APIM base infrastructure build from UK-Export-Finance/mdm-api #118

APIM base infrastructure build from UK-Export-Finance/mdm-api

APIM base infrastructure build from UK-Export-Finance/mdm-api #118

# This GHA is responsible for `APIM` (MDM) supporting infrastructure
# creation and configuration using `az cli` bash scripting.
# The workflow consists of two jobs:
# * `setup`
# * `base`
# The setup job sets up environment variables by defining the product, environment, timezone, and target variables.
# It then sets the output variables environment and timezone, which are used by the base job.
# The base job creates the base infrastructure required for an APIM deployment.
# It sets up Azure CLI extensions and uses the Azure CLI to create the following resources:
# The workflow also sets various environment tags and prints out the state of the VNET peering connection.
# Finally, note that some variables, such as `REGION`, `VERSION`, and various Azure credentials are defined as env variables or secrets respectively.
# Standard Azure naming convention has been followed:
# A minor modification to standard naming convention has been made to not include region.
# Following Azure services are consumed:
# 1. Azure resource group -
# 2. Azure container registry -
# 3. Azure virtual network -
# 4. Azure virtual network peer -
# 5. Azure container app environment -
# 6. Azure container app -
# 7. Azure API management -
# 8. Azure log analytics workspace -
# Execution
# *********
# GHA is only invoked when following conditions are satisfied:
# 1. Push to the `infrastructure` branch only.
# 2. Exact file path matches `.github/workflows/infrastructure.yml`.
# Flow
# ****
# MDM ( infrastructure.yml will be executed prior to
# MDM `infrastructure.yml` execution. Despite majority of the base infrastructure already being in
# place (due to MDM execution) base infrastructure has been kept in place for an independent MDM
# deployment scenarios.
# Azure CLI will merely ignore the new resource creation if already exist with same name.
# ****
# 1. APIM Policy
# --------------
# AZ CLI currently do not support APIM policy import natively, recommended solution is via
# `az rest`
name: Infrastructure πŸ”¨
run-name: APIM base infrastructure build from ${{ github.repository }}
- infrastructure
paths: [.github/workflows/infrastructure.yml]
ENVIRONMENT: infrastructure
TIMEZONE: "Europe/London"
# Deployment environment target i.e., `dev`, `staging`, `production`
# 1. Setup infrastructure variables
name: Setup πŸ”§
runs-on: [self-hosted, APIM, infrastructure]
environment: ${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}
timezone: ${{ env.TIMEZONE }}
- name: Environment πŸ§ͺ
run: echo "Environment set to ${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}"
- name: Timezone 🌐
run: echo "Timezone set to ${{ env.TIMEZONE }}"
# 2. Base infrastructure creation
name: Base 🧱
needs: setup
environment: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment }}
environment: ${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}
runs-on: [self-hosted, APIM, infrastructure]
- name: Pre-production πŸ’«
if: contains('["dev", "staging"]', env.TARGET)
run: echo "TYPE=Preproduction" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Production πŸ’«
if: ${{ 'production' == env.TARGET }}
run: echo "TYPE=Production" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Tags 🏷️
run: echo TAGS='Environment=${{ env.TYPE }}' \
'Product=${{ env.PRODUCT }}' \
'Team=development' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Azure defaults ✨
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Basic
az configure --defaults location=${{ vars.REGION }}
az configure --defaults group=rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}
# AZ CLI extensions upgrade
az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
- name: Resource group πŸ—οΈ
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az group create \
--name rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: Log analytics workspace πŸ“
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az monitor log-analytics workspace create \
--name log-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--capacity-reservation-level 100 \
--ingestion-access Disabled \
--query-access Disabled \
--quota 0.05 \
--retention-time ${{ vars.LOG_RETENTION_DAY }} \
--sku ${{ vars.LOG_PLAN }} \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: Container registry πŸ“¦οΈ
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az acr create \
--name cr${{ env.PRODUCT }}${{ env.TARGET }}${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--sku ${{ vars.ACR_PLAN }} \
--admin-enabled true \
--workspace log-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: Virtual network 🧡
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az network vnet create \
--name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--address-prefix ${{ secrets.VNET_ADDRESS_PREFIX }} \
--subnet-name snet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--subnet-prefixes ${{ secrets.VNET_SUBNET_PREFIX }} \
--dns-servers ${{ secrets.CUSTOM_DNS_SERVER }} \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS_AMI }}
- name: AMI Pre-production πŸ”€
if: contains('["dev", "staging"]', env.TARGET)
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Azure Managed Instance (AMI) SQL non-production DB VNET peering
# Local VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_AMI }} --resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_AMI }} --name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_AMI }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1
# Remote VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_AMI }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1 \
--subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_AMI }} \
--resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_AMI }}
# Fetch peering state
echo "Peering state: $(az network vnet peering show \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--query peeringState)"
- name: AMI Production πŸ”€
if: ${{ 'production' == env.TARGET }}
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Azure Managed Instance (AMI) SQL DB production VNET peering
# Local VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_AMI_PROD }} --resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_AMI_PROD }} --name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_AMI_PROD }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1
# Remote VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_AMI_PROD }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1 \
--subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_AMI_PROD }} \
--resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_AMI_PROD }}
# Fetch peering state
echo "Peering state: $(az network vnet peering show \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--name vnet-peer-ami-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--query peeringState)"
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS_VPN }}
- name: VNET Peer - VPN πŸ”€
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# VPN VNET peering
# Local VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-vpn-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_VPN }} --resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_VPN }} --name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_VPN }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1
# Remote VNET peer
az network vnet peering create \
--name vnet-peer-vpn-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_NAME_VPN }} \
--remote-vnet $(az network vnet show --name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--allow-vnet-access 1 \
--subscription ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_SUBSCRIPTION_VPN }} \
--resource-group ${{ secrets.REMOTE_VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP_VPN }}
# Fetch peering state
echo "Peering state: $(az network vnet peering show \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--name vnet-peer-vpn-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--query peeringState)"
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Route table 🌐
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az network route-table create \
--name route-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-vpn \
--disable-bgp-route-propagation false \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
# Add VPN route
az network route-table route create \
--route-table-name route-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-vpn \
--name 'NVA' \
--address-prefix ${{ vars.DESTINATION_ACBS }} \
--next-hop-ip-address ${{ vars.PALO_ALTO_NIC }} \
--next-hop-type VirtualAppliance
- name: Container app environment πŸ—ƒοΈ
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az containerapp env create \
--name cae-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--infrastructure-subnet-resource-id $(az network vnet subnet show --name snet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query 'id' -o tsv) \
--logs-workspace-id $(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --name log-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query customerId -o tsv) \
--logs-workspace-key $(az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --name log-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query primarySharedKey -o tsv) \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: Container app - MDM πŸ“„
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az containerapp create \
--name ca-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--environment cae-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--registry-server cr${{ env.PRODUCT }}${{ env.TARGET }}${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--registry-username $(az acr credential show -n cr${{ env.PRODUCT }}${{ env.TARGET }}${{ vars.VERSION }} --query username -o tsv) \
--cpu 1.0 \
--memory 2.0Gi \
--min-replicas 1 \
--max-replicas 4 \
--ingress external \
--target-port ${{ vars.PORT }} \
--revisions-mode multiple \
--transport auto \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
- name: API management ⚑️
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
az apim create \
--name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--publisher-email ${{ secrets.NOTIFICATION }} \
--publisher-name UKEF \
--public-network-access true \
--sku-capacity 1 \
--sku-name ${{ vars.APIM_PLAN }} \
--tags ${{ env.TAGS }}
# 3. Network configuration
name: Network πŸ›‚
needs: base
environment: ${{ needs.base.outputs.environment }}
runs-on: [self-hosted, APIM, infrastructure]
- name: Pre-production πŸ’«
if: contains('["dev", "staging"]', env.TARGET)
run: echo "TYPE=Preproduction" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Production πŸ’«
if: ${{ 'production' == env.TARGET }}
run: echo "TYPE=Production" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Azure defaults ✨
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Basic
az configure --defaults location=${{ vars.REGION }}
az configure --defaults group=rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}
- name: Subnet routing table 🌐
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Associate VPN route table to default subnet
az network vnet subnet update \
--name snet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--vnet-name vnet-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--route-table route-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-vpn
# 4. Container app configuration
name: Container app πŸ”§
needs: base
environment: ${{ needs.base.outputs.environment }}
runs-on: [self-hosted, APIM, infrastructure]
- name: Pre-production πŸ’«
if: contains('["dev", "staging"]', env.TARGET)
run: echo "TYPE=Preproduction" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Production πŸ’«
if: ${{ 'production' == env.TARGET }}
run: echo "TYPE=Production" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Azure defaults ✨
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Basic
az configure --defaults location=${{ vars.REGION }}
az configure --defaults group=rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}
- name: APIM defaults ✨
run: |
echo PRODUCT_STARTER=$(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `Starter`)].name' -o tsv) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo PRODUCT_UNLIMITED=$(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `Unlimited`)].name' -o tsv) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo API_ECHO=$(az apim api list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --filter-display-name 'Echo API' --top 1 --query [0].name -o tsv) >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: IP restriction πŸ”’οΈ
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Add APIM public IP
az containerapp ingress access-restriction set \
--name ca-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--action Allow \
--ip-address $(az apim show --name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query publicIpAddresses -o tsv) \
--rule-name APIM \
--description 'Allow APIM public IP address'
- name: Delete - Starter product
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' != env.PRODUCT_STARTER }}
inlineScript: |
az apim product delete \
--product-id $(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `Starter`)].name' -o tsv) \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--delete-subscriptions true \
- name: Delete - Unlimited product
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' != env.PRODUCT_UNLIMITED }}
inlineScript: |
az apim product delete \
--product-id $(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `Unlimited`)].name' -o tsv) \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--delete-subscriptions true \
- name: Delete - Echo API
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' != env.API_ECHO }}
inlineScript: |
az apim api delete \
--api-id $(az apim api list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --filter-display-name 'Echo API' --top 1 --query [0].name -o tsv) \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--delete-revisions true \
# 5. APIM configuration
name: API management πŸ”§
needs: base
environment: ${{ needs.base.outputs.environment }}
NAME: mdm
runs-on: [self-hosted, APIM, infrastructure]
- name: Pre-production πŸ’«
if: contains('["dev", "staging"]', env.TARGET)
run: echo "TYPE=Preproduction" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Production πŸ’«
if: ${{ 'production' == env.TARGET }}
run: echo "TYPE=Production" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Login πŸ”
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Azure defaults ✨
uses: Azure/[email protected]
inlineScript: |
# Basic
az configure --defaults location=${{ vars.REGION }}
az configure --defaults group=rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}
- name: APIM defaults ✨
run: |
echo PRODUCT_MDM=$(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `mdm`)].name' -o tsv) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo API_MDM=$(az apim api list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --filter-display-name ${{ env.NAME_UPPERCASE }} --top 1 --query [0].name -o tsv) >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: MDM - Product βž•
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' == env.PRODUCT_MDM }}
inlineScript: |
az apim product create \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--product-name apim-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm \
--description '${{ vars.DESCRIPTION }}' \
--state published \
--approval-required true \
--subscription-required true
- name: MDM - API import ⬇️
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' == env.API_MDM }}
inlineScript: |
az apim api import \
--display-name ${{ env.NAME_UPPERCASE }} \
--description '${{ vars.DESCRIPTION }}' \
--service-url https://$(az containerapp show --name ca-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query properties.latestRevisionFqdn -o tsv) \
--path ${{ env.NAME }} \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--specification-format OpenApi \
--api-type http \
--protocols https \
--subscription-required true \
--specification-url https://$(az containerapp show --name ca-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query properties.latestRevisionFqdn -o tsv)/openapi/json
- name: MDM - Product + API 🧱
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' != env.API_MDM }}
inlineScript: |
az apim product api add \
--service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} \
--api-id ${{ env.API_MDM }} \
--product-id $(az apim product list --service-name apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }} --query '[?contains(displayName, `apim-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-mdm`)].name' -o tsv)
- name: MDM - Policy 🚧
uses: Azure/[email protected]
if: ${{ '' != env.API_MDM }}
inlineScript: |
az rest \
--method PUT \
--uri "$(az account show --query id -o tsv)/resourceGroups/rg-${{ env.PRODUCT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apim-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-${{ env.TARGET }}-${{ vars.VERSION }}/apis/${{ env.API_MDM }}/policies/policy?api-version=2022-09-01-preview" \
--body ${{ secrets.APIM_POLICY }}